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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Sorry didn't reply sooner. Was out drinking!
  2. Have a look at him and his other cars!
  3. You're not. We've done similar threads a few times and the average is from early 20s up to mid 60s. Everyone gets along just fine!
  4. Stew

    amazing zorst mod

    That whole bike is just
  5. That's what sisters are for aren't they, reminding you of things you'd rather forget. She's just jealous as she turned 30 in September!
  6. snappys beast is 24" x 18" PHDs is 24" x 24"
  7. Nothing north of Preston. So about 4 1/2 - 5 hours drive for one for me! Still not quite as much as Krispy creme!
  8. I'm up! No hangover! Had a nice day yesterday. Thanks all for the birthday wishes. I was thinking, OK last year of mid 20s (maybe pushing it....) then my big sister reminded me it's *only* 1096 sleeps till I'm 30!
  9. Stew

    amazing zorst mod

    Remember that even Lambos have fake exhausts!
  10. I take it you're in the office then? R Nope! **Stew in out of office shocker** I'm off! Out for lunch - will have a couple of beers Out for tea - will have a couple of beers
  11. Cheers folks. I'm in for a days celebrating!
  12. I know of a potential one for you, about 12.5k on an 05......
  13. I thought i was been a wimp the other day driving every where in 1st gear and not going over 10mph, and generally irritating all the people following me Glad now i didn't even try getting into 2nd gear One of my neighbors got his RX-8 stuck on a speed bump the same day, we all tried pushing it but in the end had to get a 10 year old Vectra to tow it into his drive way Will be glad when it finally warms up...even though the snow does make everything look pretty First gear in the snow? No wonder you weren't making progress!
  14. I've never heard of perfect pizza!
  15. I can tell you where it doesn't go, to where its needed! Yeah, the few guys worldwide that look after the ESP artificially lifted wells...... Yeah it goes on Stews detailing supplies, pity those hardworking offshore oil workers don't reap the benifits as well. R I certainly doesn't got to the hardworking onshore Engineers!
  16. 190 you say..... What work was done? My GF has an 09 120bhp punto turbo.
  17. He's just not grown up yet.... showing off to his mates trying to do this Radical dude!
  18. Stew

    amazing zorst mod

    OK, after much deliberation I have decided to purchase two of these.
  19. I can tell you where it doesn't go, to where its needed! Yeah, the few guys worldwide that look after the ESP artificially lifted wells......
  20. Dude, do you never clean your wheels??????
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