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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew


    emmmmmmm, No place for roof bars so I guess not.
  2. I did actually laugh out loud at that. Genius!
  3. Needs polish Sarnie! Good effort though for the time taken.
  4. Noted the ones that think this is ok and crossed them off the list for Wales......
  5. Thanks for reporting the post! Plese adhere to the rules or the advert will be removed.
  6. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm beer and haggis. No work is also a bonus!
  7. All the time. Then I go for a blast and fall in love all over again. Cruise down town and people stare (probably because it isn't an Aston!) Then I think, why the hell would I sell it?
  8. big brakes with wheels to cover them.
  9. Haggis pizza is good! You ever tried it then Dan? A lot on the Hooners have tried it now and most gave good reports. A rubbish haggis (Halls springs to mind) will put you off. A good Haggis (MacSweens) will have you hooked. It's a fantastic food!
  10. Please have a look at the rules at the top of the page.
  11. So are any of our Southern counterparts partaking in haggis and a dram tonight? Can't just be Martin surely!
  12. It's that time of year again where all the Scottish folk stand about reciting Rabbie Burns poems and eat Haggis! I have my Haggis in the fridge ready to cook with my bashed tatties, neeps and carrots! Any others having a burns supper tonight? Any from south of the border?
  13. I was known with my colleagues offshore for being anal about our gear being tidy. My team knew that if I was coming out in the morning and the tools / workshop was a mess they'd get a b*llocking. I ALWAYS cleaned and put everything away at the end of my shift. I'm the same in the office except I don't dish out b*llockings as I'm not the boss in here! Jayne wishes I was like that at home!
  14. I'm sure it's angled but remember that choppers fly nose down generally so it might not be as exaggerated as you think.
  15. Well Craig, I heard from a very reliable source it was because you are diiiiirrrrrrrrtttttttttyyyyyyy! And because your car is always covered in mud and never cleaned!
  16. The *only* problem I can see with this arrangement is the fact that other keen photographers are happy to give you pics of your car on track. Well they are up here anyway! I do like the idea though.
  17. Something similar to this? or this The front bits are known as cannards.
  18. Nope. Do you regularly check the oil? Did it just flicker momentarily? If the oil light comes on in a Zed it's BAD news. It actually means that the oil pump is starved.
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