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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I thought you were still on about boobs there!
  2. I have been pondering a little change for a while due to comfort reasons. So yesterday after a test drive I traded in my Zed. I am not talking about my car but my motorbike. A Kawasaki ZX6R in orange! Is now gone, been a fun 2 years but the need for comfort crept in. I doubt my ever expanding gut helped though..... It is to be replaced by this. a Kawasaki Z1000 in white and orange. The Z1000 has over 130BHP and plenty of torque. It handles like a ZX10R (no bad thing) but is actually comfortable with a fairly upright riding position! No sore neck! Took it out for a spin yesterday for an hour and a half and it blew me away. I also got a brilliant deal on changing so the deal was done. I just found out it'll be on the road in hopefully just under two weeks.
  3. Last year was a little damp.... I've done it in the snow in the Zed!
  4. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=26230&hilit=+pet+thread+
  5. Yes, that was in the Scottish section.... My reply was 'sh*t.............' I'll have a think and let you know, for sure the hoon is going to be different this year.
  6. PM jacr87 as he has these lights on his car.
  7. Welcome along, I find the Zed very reasonable to insure. There are a number of females owners around! Go have a drive of them and you'll know which one is right for you.
  8. Stew

    Ferrari 599 - BAD

    That is positively lovely compared to the 599 I saw today!
  9. If anyone want's the shoot cats or poison them or generally be cruel then I will be first to deck them. I'm sure there would be an orderly queue behind me too if they could get up. Be careful with spraying them when on the car as if they get frightened the claws come out - it's a reaction!
  10. Spotted a 599 on foreign plates today in Aberdeen. Now there are a few kicking about but it's still a fairly rare sight. This one however was truly awful. It was wrapped but with a difference. It had the gray roof of the new 599GTO but the body was in orange/gold chrome faded into red chrome at the back. However bad it sounds multiply it by 10! I haven't eaten yet as the image makes me feel sick! I would have broken the law and used my mobile to take a picture of it but I was on my motorbike.
  11. My cat is indoor so doesn't bug anyone but me! The cats I had growing up used to roam. My mum used to say to the neighbours to give it a spray with water if it was bugging thwm. Will do no harm to the cat and it'll run away sharpish! Citrus does work generally.
  12. air rifle... Why do people always think it's funny to go on about killing cats. I actually have loads of sensible answers to try out with me having had cats all my life and my auntie having been a cat breeder.
  13. The stand isn't limited to 20 cars. The free tickets for members is limited to 20. Any other members that wish to be on the stand will be welcomed with open arms.
  14. I like a bit of facebook banter! My friends list includes my big sister, my boss and other management thats moved on but we got on really well. Also loads of folk from work all over the world that I like to keep up with. My Dad even added me but I don't think he knows how to work it! His page is just full of comments saying how cool he is from my cousin as she was impressed with him drinking with David Guetta a couple of weeks ago! It doesn't bother me. I never put anything there that I wouldn't want to be seen. I also spent yesterday afternoon extracting the urine out of my boss on facebook! I must admit I'm tempted to put up a 'my boss is an idiot' style comment and see how long it takes him to reply!
  15. Did it have leather? The non leather cars have lower seats apparently. 6'5" isn't that tall. My mate is 6'7" and can fit in it!
  16. I have a real Tommy Kaira badge but led the trend by buying it before everyone else did! Back in those days it was 60 or 65 quid. I like the liquid art badges, I think they look cool and the colours offered are great!
  17. Pete, clean it, roof down, thrash, bacon roll, cruise, ice cream, drive.
  18. Bennet, RGVA said to pass on the message that the wrap you requested CAN be done! Here's the sample The Nismo sunstrip came out really nicely!
  19. I can't see that code..... Here is a list. viewtopic.php?f=17&t=21762
  20. I'm using this You need this
  21. Your car looks like Kuro? I'd be looking for a KJuro door and Kuro wing if I were you. If you can buy the parts ready painted you might be surprised at the price. I wouldn't imagine it'd cost too much.....
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