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Ex Team Member
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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Basically anywhere there are joins. If there is play then that could cause it.
  2. Well maybe the happy people should start some positive topics then. The bad people can be warned to stay away!
  3. Well I have a giant BAN button. Will that help????
  4. Well if you add them to the thread and they are decent then they could be considered. As I say they have to match what we have already.
  5. Moved. If you find some examples then post them up and we'll see if admin can ad them. Tip for you, they have to be in line with what we have (looks wise) already. That goes for any decent smilie.
  6. Thanks guys. I'm glad the effort we all put in as a team is appreciated by some.
  7. Thanks Jay. You are correct. Dave, I'm sorry that it's come to this. You have been a great mod for much of my time here, most members only know you from your time as a mod. I find it frustrating when people are constantly telling us we have made the incorrect decision. Despite making all the wrong decisions we continue to grow daily in member numbers, our meets are the biggest in the UK and we (as a team) are making the key decisions that drive this club forward. You will be sorely missed by the team.
  8. ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Just to let you know that the 350Z-UK stand will be run in association with GTROC. This will strengthen our numbers and raise the profile of the Nissan brand by combining the two biggest Nissan Sports car clubs in the UK for the day! It should also ensure a good spot for the day. The lists will be run separately but I can keep you posted on the numbers but this should make for a great show!
  9. Stew

    Matte zed?

    Yes. It was. I love orange (as seen by my bikes) and matte colours look cool. You are doing something different and that has to be applauded even if some people don't like the end result. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it looks though!
  10. Stew

    Matte zed?

    It will be original!
  11. Stew

    Ferrari 599 - BAD

    Looks 100 times worse in the flesh....
  12. Stew

    Matte zed?

    The Fezza was mingin! I saw it the other day in Aberdeen.
  13. Alex enjoys nothing more than taking the ladies for a ride and making them scream!
  14. Norway is stunning! VERY expensive though. I've paid £9 for a 500ml beer. Not even a pint! A few mates went across on bikes a few years ago. The pics looked great. If you need any info I have a few friends that live in Norway and a few from Norway.
  15. Here's the link - http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pag ... 9876370504 I added Falcon. Some nice pics up!
  16. I said 'Kill it with Fire' in a meeting. Everyone laughed then agreed. Could have been worse...
  17. Give a 10 year old a smack and the only thing you'll be polishing is the bars on your cell. If anything else happens call the police.
  18. Haven't picked it up yet Immy. I will be getting buffeted due to no fairings or screen. It's not an issue though, it just keeps the speed down! I like orange!
  19. Everything goes to my cat!
  20. Fooooking hell! If it was a toyota they'd be blaming the sticky throttle!
  21. I ride like a learner.... Waaaaay too much bike for me power wise but then I control it with my right hand! I gave it a bit of beans yesterday and stopped when the wind was real bad, looked at the speedo and got a pleasant surprise. I wasn't at jail speed. This can only be a good thing! I still love the look of my Ninja but this one looks evil. I'll have to take it to a local meet.
  22. Haha! Not likely selling the Zed (aaaarrrrggggggghhhhhh I have too many Zeds!) car for a while yet!
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