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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Depends. If Conservative win enough seats (doubtful) then later today. If it's a hung parliment then it has to be done before 25th May.
  2. Looking at the amount of votes the opinion polls probably weren't far off. Lib Dems haven't won many seats but have a good percentage of the votes. Oh well, that's politics!
  3. I wouldn't say that. Southern Scotland is an area that has traditionally had very 'working class' industries. I guess it's like Rich said earlier, voting labour as thats the done thing. Neil P also said that Labour have kept his parents in a job so the MPs are obviously doing right by their constituents there. In the scheme of things you have to vote for who is going to look after you locally and just hope they can bring local issues to Westminster to make a difference.....
  4. What is it with southern Scotland and Labour??????
  5. Stew

    07+ GT pack coupe

    Temper and white are both quite rare. That's a tight budget to be choosy but I'm sure you'll get something if you keep an eye out.
  6. I lived in Russia during an election. That was fun. I was working for the service company I'm still with but doing 90% of my work for Yukos Oil and Gas. The president of Yukos strongly opposed Putin and was funding his opponents campaign. Yukos was bigger than Sibneft which is Abramovichs company so you can imagine how much this guy was worth - £10billion easily! Anyway, the President of Yukos ends up in jail for some fraud charge and all his assets were frozen and Putins opponents campain seized. So Putin (the ex KGB man) ends up getting elected again. That was a hugely entertaining campaign to view as an outsider. Here is far from perfect but at least it's mostly well organised and fair!
  7. AWESOME! Shocking organisation!
  8. I voted Conservative. My area is Lib Dem / Conservative and I never see Labour getting in where I am at all. At the end of the day I have to look after me. My sister is a single parent so is probably far better off under labour however I have been in the 40% tax band since I was 19 so I have to look after what I make as I've worked hard to get it. Inheritance tax is a huge issue for me too - hopefully a LONG way into the future. I had a great laugh at the UKIP leaflet that dropped through the door - reduce North Sea Oil Tax by 50% to encourage investment and jobs in Aberdeen and repair the local roads. They didn't say how they would fund these things though..... I totally agree that if you waive the right to vote then you waive the right to complain. I have complained about this government and I'm sure I'll complain about the next. I voted so it's my right to!
  9. Check it revs freely to 7000 - 8000k revs. Wherever the red line is......... Smoke is bad, also check it from cold. I've only ever owned one dirty derv which was an old 1.7TD Astra and to be honest it was fine. Not exciting but a fine runner.
  10. Lovely. Just for reference that isn't an MY07 car. Good location for Zedding I think!
  11. And little black book.............. So it's definitely true?????
  12. Do a search. There were pics posted the other day...... in fact....... viewtopic.php?f=10&t=35695&start=0
  13. That will be the highlight of my Zed career if I ever achieve that. I did hear a rumour that I was on Markies bathroom wall and bedside table though.......
  14. I hate when people ask a question,. get answers then edit the question. Bugs the hell out of me. Doesn't help other members doing searches either!
  15. My two arrived today. So, scan someone recomend a good memory card. I have heard that the card can make all the difference when recording!
  16. I love the 500. My other half went in to buy one but ended up with it's big brother instead after deciding it was too small!
  17. Next meet is Modified Live Show on May 16th! viewtopic.php?f=57&t=33413
  18. The tickets will be getting ordered VERY soon. If you are planning on attending or are unable to attend then now is the time to speak up! 1. Stew 2. JT1703 ( John ) 3. Jay 4. TT350z ( Kenny ) 5. Paulie 6. Vik54 7. Jacr87 (Jason) 8. J80 MOY ( Jamie Moy ) 9. Neilp 10.Cragus (Craig) 11. Maxi-Glasgow 12. Paul T 13. Irfan (don't trip over his newly acquired ball or chain) 14. Maz 15. Stewart Still 5 tickets left. Be VERY quick! GTROC List 01.typerchris 02.n18 gtr 03.Dboy 04.professor matt 05.endo 06.gaz2002 07.GTR ally
  19. I think your car should be changed to JDM Yooooo!
  20. By all means do it, I don't want to put you off however I'd strongly recomend upgrading to LED tail lights before hand. ZMANALEX has the best price on these and is easily contactable through the forum.
  21. WARNING - Tinting non LED lights is not safe. You can barely see them! Just my opinion however I know it is shared with others.
  22. I was almost syphoning off my bike today as I had loads of fuel in it when it was traded in at the dealers. I then decided to go for a few 1st gear grand prixs instead to burn some V power!
  23. Not sure the driver of the Sunset would be too happy with you!!! be careful Blades ...that's humour on the forum ......... I'm not sure it's allowed Humour is always allowed (and actively encouraged) by the Team! It's some of the grumpy members that don't like it!
  24. Hondas are great. My Mum has had two Civics and is now in a CRV. My sis had two civics two and is now in a quashqai thing. Both are spacious etc but if it were my money I'd pick the CRV everytime - great car for the money. My old man thinks it is as capable in the snow as his Range Rover was, that was on snowy roads rather than pulling trees acrooss muddy fields! Golfs are alright, nothing to get excited about in my opinion.
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