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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Just have a look at the US scrappage statistics! They are hilarious!
  2. 203 is fairly aggressive on a Zed especially if the pad was hard. I've done some pretty heavy correction with it. 106FA is spot on for it! I agree with your mate on LSP...... Poorboys XP sealant works on light cars well but I'd still be waxing on top with a quality wax. Light Fantastic perhaps.....
  3. You still speaking about Dundee woman tarmac?
  4. Dundee is great. Best place in UK. Best place for spotting teen mums.......
  5. The plastic A pillar covers load over rollover protection????? I'd ask for the parts replaced personally. If you have no luck then you could try ZMANALEX or R35LEE on the forums. Alex is just in Perth too!
  6. It's Wales weekend...... Don't expect an answer! Ian fitted a works bell snap off boss. There is a recent thread about it. Have a search. It's a team orange steering wheel so that should help locate all the threads entering that in the search string. Hope that helps a little bit.
  7. +1 It's almost a pick up Dave. Take cling film or something with you incase of emergency!
  8. Well that is the WORST planning EVER!
  9. The bulge appeared on the MY07 model. It is a rev up MY06 model.
  10. What polish and pads you using? What speeds? what LSP?
  11. I live very near an academy so the car gets a lot of admiring glances if I'm turning in or out my street at school times. My boss takes great delight in telling folk at work I bought a house near a school! He's just jealous.....
  12. flipping heck Dan that IS close! So do you think he just referenced 350Z as is rhymed?
  13. R35 = Tech loaded coupe with a rocket under the bonnet LFA- No compromise (Engineering wise) hypercar They are not comparable in my book.
  14. Chris, DO NOT go to youtube and type in v8 lawnmower, monster lawnmower or fast lawnmower.
  15. Nah, I think Jason knew to check the next page....
  16. http://www.facebook.com/search/?post_fo ... 6848419..1 That HAS to be you! I've added you.
  17. Probably just forgot to put the bits in to make it 4wd Certainly looks different, but I cant help think it will be hugely impractical in the back. It will no doubt be driven by housewives to do the shopping, but with no rear doors, they are going to find it a struggle to load. I guess its the JLR answer to the X6. Except this actually looks good!
  18. What's the point of a 2WD LandRover? Well every other manufacturer seems to be doing it! Ford Kuga, Nissan Qashqai to name two are available as 2WD only. I hope that LR if running 2WD make it switchable or automatic change to 4WD when required.
  19. Is it true that this will be 2WD to lower emmissions?
  20. But that's an English model..... You can tell as he doesn't have ginger hair. Sarnie says all Scotsmen have ginger hair! So that is an Englishman in a skirt. Least he left the fishnets at home!
  21. Ahhhhhh so you've met Chesterfield then! Loving it Chris! I'm thinking you need either a cinema couch (I found one at a nearby sofa shop) or a couple of awesome chairs!
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