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Everything posted by Stew

  1. That's a fair mess! A bet a fair amount of heat was being generated in there with no grease! +1 on the log!
  2. I don't drive the Zed in the snow. The problem we have in NE Scotland is the amount of snow (depth) which doesn't plague our more southern members. My Freelander was grounding out a lot on my drive to work this year on hard snow and ice. My Zed simply would be undrivable on that. So would an S3 though..... When we get a good day and can utilise the awesome roads we have though the winter is soon forgotten.
  3. Yeah all these street racing posts are a bit erm well saxo......
  4. I know. I mean it's quick enough but it's not seriously fast. Also, what the hell's a charabang?????? I'm not down with this chav talk....
  5. It will probably be an XJR.
  6. Iwonder if that was why I couldn't sleep last night...... I thought it was because I was thinking too much about an operational issue at work yesterday!
  7. I used to work away a lot. The longest I was away in one go since I bought the Zed I think was a 6 week trip to Algeria. I have a load of 3-4 week trip home for a couple of days and away again for 3 - 4 weeks though. I think that was tougher. My laptop always had Zed pics on the screensaver and it used to make it worse!
  8. Yeah and the boy was driving about with a spare engine and othe bits in the back! clown....
  9. Yes but the way Adams car will drive will be greatly different to someone who has gone FI. It will rev much much quicker and generally be more responsive. Its not all about headline figures as we always say very true but I know which one I'd prefer, must be an FI head any keep this thread on track After seeing Adams car, I'm thinking id rather have his than a SC, is that strange? Man that's impressive! Not at all as I said, best sounding Zed possibly in the world for me. Adam did keep us updated and the car is exactly what he wanted. Modding is individual and I'm sure Adam said 'anyone can bolt on an SC or turbo kit' I LOVE his style.
  10. Highest genuine numbers for a MY03 has to be Adam@Z1. It also has to be the best sounding car!
  11. I keep my eye on AMGs. My Dad has a 2009 S Class and a 1992 mint SL so merc is very much on my radar. I am keeping a VERY keen eye on the price of IS-Fs too. You heard one of them?
  12. I'd still take the E46 CSL though.
  13. Certainly other colours with it done. I've seen the OEM bumper with carbon insert on GM which looks great.
  14. I don't know about it stripping but certainly the Supernatural can 'rehaze' and need wiped over again so I would always wait before giving it a QD / sealant on the top
  15. Much prefer it to the esprit one. It never really did it for me.
  16. That was me wasn't it! Someone stole you're pics on ebay! Sarnie - Digsy with the geeetar, Chesterfield in a golf tanktop..... Mike needing lowered and spacers, stormhorse, Husky - I put up the link to the spring repair thread I'm sure..... yeah EPIC BOOBS! That was class.....
  17. That was me wasn't it! Someone stole you're pics on ebay! Sarnie - Digsy with the geeetar, Chesterfield in a golf tanktop..... Mike needing lowered and spacers, stormhorse, Husky - I put up the link to the spring repair thread I'm sure.....
  18. Only after you fit them. Camber bolts (£35) are availabale too which will put the car back into spec most of the time too.
  19. The blackberry screen is too small. This has been covered a lot before when you don't run full size. An iphone / mobile version of the site has been tested and should be live quite soon.
  20. You're Jockist! I'm supporting Algeria now! At least I can say I've spend more time in Algeria than in England! not jockist at all i used to live in dunfermline, and a lot of my family live in glasgow, just that you have a crap team thats all Well if that's not enough to turn you jockist then I don't know what is!
  21. Tyres make a huge diffference. On Bridgestone RE040s my ESP light used to come on a lot. Changed to T1Rs and it was fine, I have to provoke the car to get any loss of traction with it on or off.
  22. You're Jockist! I'm supporting Algeria now! At least I can say I've spend more time in Algeria than in England!
  23. I've owned the car for 4 years and STILL get compliments. I never tire of it. I want to come up with a better reply than eh thanks.... though. One of my neighbours was about 14-15 when I got it and he was drooling over it. I said to him - see, it's worth working hard in school which his mum was chuffed about!
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