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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Why? Just because he's not in the back of a LandRover? Well that and the fact I have far bigger shoulders, bigger everything else.... I also don't own a purple jumper, black jeans or shoes like that. I can't speak for the other local members though.....
  2. Taken from this thread. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=20795 So looking at me and horse boy it's clear that we are different people.
  3. Well you've seen me on streetview already..... I'm never at the hardgate either...
  4. If the dates were better we could have worked around it. I think they knew we were coming! We'll just have to step up the meets in Scotland and maybe we can all make the effort to go to a big national show in England with all the other Zedders and have a few pints etc afterwards. I'm more gutted than anyone about this but if I could work around it and it be as good then I would have. Next year will just have to be better!
  5. there are a few 'what job' threads. YTou can easily find them and resurect them. I'll lock this one.
  6. You tried one? I did and I was sold. Shame I have to eat really or one would be on my drive!
  7. How much of the road tax is spent on roads????? It's invalid. Smoking and drinking is a luxury which you don't need. Same as a car.... sort of. So they tax the hell out of it! I'll happily pay extra for a pint down the pub or for a bottle of beer at the supermarket as I'm not the biggest drinker so it has little effect on me. Stick a penny or two on fuel and I feel it as motoring is my passion and it costs a lot to keep my little jeep, My Zed and my other Zed in fuel. Ask someone that doesn't own a car and spends all their time smoking and drinking.... They will cry if a penny is put on a pack of fags and a pint.
  8. You really think so???? They scraped the win and all is forgiven????? Yup I thought it was a good performance... They had pretty much all of the ball and were unlucky not to score 3 or 4... They played well IMO.. Theres room for improvement but we play better against better sides, It will be an interesting game Sunday but I reckon its winnable... Unless it goes to the dreaded peno's then we are fooked... I will forgive them for two crap results if they beat Ze Germans Sunday yes Will you be supporting the Germans on Sunday then Stew... When you putting the German Flagon your Facebook profile ?? I only put the USA one on for a laugh. I didn't do it with the rest. I would like to see Ingurlund do well but I can't be arsed with the media if they win - shut the media and the biased commentators up and all the British would support you! Although I really don't think England can win the World Cup unless they are extremely lucky.
  9. spell checker is better (changed slightly) and the way the phone groups my googlemail is better. Although a mate of mine says his hotmail is grouped the same.... Or and you get a picture background!
  10. Cool is it vastly different? quicker? noticeable? I did'nt knwo they had released it yet? I'll admit I haven't read what all the changes are but so far so good. I have heard of computers struggling and crashing though. Not something myself or Jayne noticed though. I'm liking all the changes I've discovered so far.
  11. I'm open to suggestions. I could easily get something for the East Coast that was cracking but it wouldn't be the Hoon..... The Lakes was talked about as a replacement for this year but caravan towing tourists make it a nightmare. I'm at a loss just now, I REALLY want to do it but it would mean a complete re route and finding places that can hold 20 cars in the car park without too much fuss. Oh and it has to be somewhere that is decent quality too..... Not an easy task! If we take a break this year we can be back with a better long weekender next year.
  12. Well with Applecross being shut we are kind of scuppered at the moment. Ok, there are other roads however I can't get it to mate up with eating / parking requirements. As everyone who has attended will agree, choice and 'stuff' isn't really at a premium. The places we use are good and they were chosen for a reason. I don't think the Hoon will be possible this year to be honest due to this.
  13. You really think so???? Ok, Ingurlund got the goal they needed. They were FAR better than they were against Algeria however I think my school team could have out played them that day. They scraped the win and all is forgiven?????
  14. I'd better start making some then! Joking aside, it's an honour to have been asked to join the team and I'm looking forward in equal measure to both helping out more around here and learning more about the place. It's a genuinely great place to be and I hope to carry on with the high standards already set here. Oh and don't forget the special button!
  15. Get the GTR wheels on it!
  16. They played average (for the men on the park) at best.
  17. It's half time - Get countdown on to see what Rachel Riley is wearing!
  18. Well you've turned us down for the 3rd time so we had to give up.... Welcome to the Team Dan.
  19. Nice Al. I like the VXR8 a lot.
  20. Stew


    I need negative spacers too! Oh well, I'll have to see Martin to get that sorted....
  21. I put the OS4 software on my 3GS yesterday and my other half did hers last night. Seems good and that will tide me over from WANTING the the new version.
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