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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I'm Stew. I think you're a stalker!
  2. I remember my Mum attending a careers thing at my school and a woman standing up and saying 'any degree is better than no degree' My parents don't believe that. My Dad left school with no qualifications - didn't even sit his exams and well, he hasn't done badly for himself. Hard work is very under rated at the moment. both my parents were the same, although they supported me with what ever i wanted to do. i felt i needed a degree so thats what i did. and due to the high level of writing involved and study i really struggled. i wish i'd gone off and done an apprenticeship. although i've landed on my feet and i'm good at what i do and i still get to work in the workshop. i make up for what my job lacks in by doing projects at home. I went against the grain and went to Uni at 16! Dad still says he would never employ me as I 'know bugger all' though! Out of all his employees I doubt any have degrees. All the Engineers etc have worked up from the workshop. I think the financial director has a degree but even the Engineering Director is a hands on guy that's now in an office job.
  3. I remember my Mum attending a careers thing at my school and a woman standing up and saying 'any degree is better than no degree' My parents don't believe that. My Dad left school with no qualifications - didn't even sit his exams and well, he hasn't done badly for himself. Hard work is very under rated at the moment.
  4. I have a nanocube marine tank. I want a big ass one but thought I'd learn the hard way. Less stable BUT less live stock.
  5. For 10k you could get a westfield V8. The old Zed would be spot on!
  6. I don't have the number but TTconvert hasn't been online since 21st June.
  7. I went from hands on Engineer in the field to Engineer in the office. It's a strange transition.
  8. My mate actually owned an Azure with Rays from new and I loved it. He sold it as he needed the cash for a new house. I turned it down as I'd just bought my place. A year later I bought one. I had to have one. I looked at loads of cars. My list of requirements was 2 seats and rwd. That was it. Looked at loads of cars and after testing a few the Zed was just the best for my requirements. The reason I wanted a two seater was to be able to own a nice sporty car when I was young and before I was doomed to mondeo estate family wagons. My Mum thought I was mad until I asked her what she thought of my Dad when he goes out cruising in his SL summer toy - her reply 'he looks rediculous, he's 50 and bald and cruising about in a bright red convertible.' It then clicked that it was actually good to do it now! 4 years later I still have it and still love it!
  9. Did you read the posts previous to this?
  10. Jays been trying to get me to learn the geeetar. I want to but it's a winter starting project I think!
  11. Kestral will be fine. Just take it easy and read a bit about it before hand.
  12. Spotted you this morning at Kintore. I followed you and you turned off towards Tates Mill at Thainstone. It had fancy wheels on it too!
  13. Nice. I know nothing about geeeetars but I know what I like!
  14. Geoff, did you try these on the 370 at all???? Chris - AWESOME!
  15. YUM! Well done Chris - AWESOME!
  16. Top gear is so informed that they don't even use units...... It has 500 torques..... As an Engineer this drives me nuts.
  17. As usual a first class vid. I really look forward to these videos now Jord! You've got me hooked.
  18. That is a nice video actually. two comments from me. Cleanest Semi Sub EVER! Ok, this is their second well with it but it looks like a nice new gen Semi. The roughnecks will even stay clean as everything with motorised. Longest wireline tool ever! I've seen a quite a few (hundreds...) electric line jobs but never seen one of those bad boy vectoring tools. Nice bit of propoganda but they aren't doing anything fancy. In fact I remember being on a jack up getting ready to complete a new drill and them drilling a relief well by mistake...... they intercepted another well due to being idiots.
  19. If you're happy with the autoglym stuff then there is no point in ditching it. You can replace it as you run out. To be honest if you want decent budget stuff buy meguiars. The megs tyre dressing (purple stuff) is pretty decent and not too much cash. A good drying towel can be had from Envy Valeting (site sponsor) but I'd personally avoid the likes of the megs water magnet. Clay, you can try the megs stuff to get a feel for it. Or you could order the likes of sonus green or even bilthamber soft clay. Wax is personal. I honestly wouldn't spend a fortune until you are confident that you'll do it justice by preparing the surface properly. The likes of a dodo panel pot would be a good thing to get so you can get the feel of it without spending a fortune.
  20. I stand by my advice. Listen to the man that knows more about the 350Z than Nissan UK.
  21. Is that a sports cat? MacW obviously got a Decat with his.
  22. Well it wasn't me..... I checked the log though so I know who the guilty party is!
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