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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew


    What. A. Loser.
  2. And he still goes to screwfix and buys £20 halogens!
  3. Who do they think they are kidding? That is AWFUL!
  4. Mmmmmmm outback..... Bloomin onions are awesome! Harry Potter land is looking good!
  5. Stew

    Car Shampoo!

    I used Gold Class for a ages when Megs first came to the UK. It was and still is a good shampoo. Watch the dilution rations though.... I use Shampoo Plus now and I really like it. It's blooming cheap too!
  6. Stew

    Porsche rally...

    I'm with you Vik. Lovely!
  7. Looks like a mod comp entry to me!
  8. Just to clarify it has to be a Nissan 350Z or 370Z. I think most of the modded 370s are owned by team members anyway...
  9. Love the 356 Speedster. It doesn't need spacers! For me it's shape is up there with the muira and dino for lustful looks!
  10. Just make sure to follow the rules of entry and the format of entry.
  11. Sounds like the M25, although it is only 3/4 lanes mostly there is no right or wrong lane to overtake in! So many times I have seen a lorry in front of me being cut up from left AND right No wonder there are accidents daily on it.... Most annoying thing for me is when its busy, you are in the 'fast' lane and someone decided to not only cut you up but to 'overtake' at the exact same speed as the car they are overtaking!!!!! shandy drinking southerners that can't drive!
  12. I think you should..... MY cookies are in a box in the kitchen!
  13. But you have to put it on the entry thread tarmac!
  14. I was a little apprehensive at first. When you get in to it though it's fine. Plenty use of mirrors and blind spot checks and I was thrashing through Miami like the best of them using all the lanes and making decent progress.
  15. Cougar Store 350Z Modification Competition Mitz (CS) from Cougar Store has kindly donated the prize in a competition where we aim to find the best modification on a 350z-uk members car. All club members (registered users on the forum) are welcome to join in and enter the competition. Just pick your favouite modification and enter it. Extra points will be gained for something unique. It can be something big or something small as long as it's a modification! The Rules [*:2incw7jz]The car that the modification has been carried out on must belong to the competition entrant [*:2incw7jz]The modification must have been purchased and fitted with the last 12 months [*:2incw7jz]Only one entry per member [*:2incw7jz]Only one single modification is to be judged so choose your favourite one! [*:2incw7jz]The competition will remain open for 4 weeks closing on 20th August at midnight. [*:2incw7jz]Any entry deemed unsuitable (not within the rules) will be removed by the Admin/Mod Team [*:2incw7jz]The winning entrant chooses one prize from the three listed [*:2incw7jz]The judging panel are not permitted to enter [*:2incw7jz]The judges will be the 350z-uk Team and Mitz (CS) from Cougar Store [*:2incw7jz]The judges decision is final! Method for Entry [*:2incw7jz]Attach a few decent photos to a post [*:2incw7jz]Detail the modification being entered [*:2incw7jz]Add a sentence or two explaining why you chose to carry it out [*:2incw7jz] Sit back and hope you win the prize! The Prize! Mitz from the Cougar Store has selected three items and the winner chooses the one item they want! The items are [*:2incw7jz]A set of Viper Engine Bay Hoses in either red or blue. Click to view [*:2incw7jz]A set of HEL brake lines. Click to view [*:2incw7jz]A set of Zed burger badges. Click to view There will also be a runner up prize of an Eibach goody bag containing a T Shirt, cap, pen and lanyard I think we can all agree it's a great choice of prizes and there is something for everyone there. We all look forward to seeing the winners choice of prize on their car! Thanks to Cougar Store for supplying the prize for this great competition. Mitz will be helping with the judging so ordering loads of parts as a bribe might well help! All bribes to the 350z-uk team can be made via the Donate button! Best of luck everyone and don't be afraid to enter, you have until the 20th of August to do so. Remember it's not the prize that counts, it's the glory of being the winner! All entries should be put in this thread - Click to enter All discussion should be put in this thread
  16. Cougar Store 350Z Modification Competition Mitz (CS) from Cougar Store has kindly donated the prize in a competition where we aim to find the best modification on a 350z-uk members car. All club members (registered users on the forum) are welcome to join in and enter the competition. Just pick your favouite modification and enter it. Extra points will be gained for something unique. It can be something big or something small as long as it's a modification! The Rules [*:2zt38ayo]The car that the modification has been carried out on must belong to the competition entrant [*:2zt38ayo]The modification must have been purchased and fitted with the last 12 months [*:2zt38ayo]Only one entry per member [*:2zt38ayo]Only one single modification is to be judged so choose your favourite one! [*:2zt38ayo]The competition will remain open for 4 weeks closing on 20th August at midnight. [*:2zt38ayo]Any entry deemed unsuitable (not within the rules) will be removed by the Admin/Mod Team [*:2zt38ayo]The winning entrant chooses one prize from the three listed [*:2zt38ayo]The judging panel are not permitted to enter [*:2zt38ayo]The judges will be the 350z-uk Team and Mitz (CS) from Cougar Store [*:2zt38ayo]The judges decision is final! Method for Entry [*:2zt38ayo]Attach a few decent photos to a post [*:2zt38ayo]Detail the modification being entered [*:2zt38ayo]Add a sentence or two explaining why you chose to carry it out [*:2zt38ayo] Sit back and hope you win the prize! The Prize! Mitz from the Cougar Store has selected three items and the winner chooses the one item they want! The items are [*:2zt38ayo]A set of Viper Engine Bay Hoses in either red or blue. Click to view [*:2zt38ayo]A set of HEL brake lines. Click to view [*:2zt38ayo]A set of Zed burger badges. Click to view There will also be a runner up prize of an Eibach goody bag containing a T Shirt, cap, pen and lanyard I think we can all agree it's a great choice of prizes and there is something for everyone there. We all look forward to seeing the winners choice of prize on their car! Thanks to Cougar Store for supplying the prize for this great competition. Mitz will be helping with the judging so ordering loads of parts as a bribe might well help! All bribes to the 350z-uk team can be made via the Donate button! Best of luck everyone and don't be afraid to enter, you have until the 20th of August to do so. Remember it's not the prize that counts, it's the glory of being the winner! Please put all entries in this thread! All discussion should be put in this thread - Click to discuss
  17. Cougar Store 350Z Modification Competition Mitz (CS) from Cougar Store has kindly donated the prize in a competition where we aim to find the best modification on a 350z-uk members car. All club members (registered users on the forum) are welcome to join in and enter the competition. Just pick your favouite modification and enter it. Extra points will be gained for something unique. It can be something big or something small as long as it's a modification! The Rules [*:kwherwt1]The car that the modification has been carried out on must belong to the competition entrant [*:kwherwt1]The modification must have been purchased and fitted with the last 12 months [*:kwherwt1]Only one entry per member [*:kwherwt1]Only one single modification is to be judged so choose your favourite one! [*:kwherwt1]The competition will remain open for 4 weeks closing on 20th August at midnight. [*:kwherwt1]Any entry deemed unsuitable (not within the rules) will be removed by the Admin/Mod Team [*:kwherwt1]The winning entrant chooses one prize from the three listed [*:kwherwt1]The judging panel are not permitted to enter [*:kwherwt1]The judges will be the 350z-uk Team and Mitz (CS) from Cougar Store [*:kwherwt1]The judges decision is final! Method for Entry [*:kwherwt1]Attach a few decent photos to a post [*:kwherwt1]Detail the modification being entered [*:kwherwt1]Add a sentence or two explaining why you chose to carry it out [*:kwherwt1] Sit back and hope you win the prize! The Prize! Mitz from the Cougar Store has selected three items and the winner chooses the one item they want! The items are [*:kwherwt1]A set of Viper Engine Bay Hoses in either red or blue. Click to view [*:kwherwt1]A set of HEL brake lines. Click to view [*:kwherwt1]A set of Zed burger badges. Click to view There will also be a runner up prize of an Eibach goody bag containing a T Shirt, cap, pen and lanyard I think we can all agree it's a great choice of prizes and there is something for everyone there. We all look forward to seeing the winners choice of prize on their car! Thanks to Cougar Store for supplying the prize for this great competition. Mitz will be helping with the judging so ordering loads of parts as a bribe might well help! All bribes to the 350z-uk team can be made via the Donate button! Best of luck everyone and don't be afraid to enter, you have until the 20th of August to do so. Remember it's not the prize that counts, it's the glory of being the winner! All entries should be put in this thread - Click to enter All discussion should be put in this thread - Click to discuss
  18. It's personal taste. Some love them, some hate them. It's your car so you carry out the mods that you want.
  19. No middle lanes up here! I have to go to Glasgow to find one.
  20. The red bull roadster was our very own Ekona. He did a review which you can have a look at!
  21. LSD kit is regarded as the best as far as I know. I don't believe any cutting is required. Search should reveal a post when Andy (who happens to be an LSD door kits dealer in the form of Kudos Automotive) fitted a kit to his ZED DIY stylee.
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