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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew

    My 350z

    The front brakes ok? Has the car been stored correctly? I'm actually shocked that a tidy enough car has been laid up for over three years!
  2. Not for 12k! I suggested a G35 earlier but Sardine ignored that!
  3. passenger floor probably. Or from the boot sticking through to the cabin. I reckon they would but can't remember if I've tried it!
  4. 3 series diesel. Heaps of MPG and available in a coupe too..... Or get an convertible petrol because you're an ASW. CLK? Megane 225?
  5. That's what summer holidays are for! Well done Cragus for helping out. It's one of those warm fuzzy forum moments!
  6. No idea why it says Nismo GT4 on the V5. There was one version of the GT4 released in the UK (35th Anniversary everywhere else) it had the newer engine which did increase the rev limit and is 296bhp but this is due to a reworking on the engine internals not mapping alone. This engine became standard in 2006. I also have a nismo rad cap that I bought..... A panel filter can be bought and replaced in 10seconds. It's not anything special and nothing that can't be bought aftermarket. The Nismo kit was available on the GT4 as a cost option like it was on any other 350Z. You did get a PS2 and GT4 in the boot when new though. On a standard car the nismo normally means that simply it has a nismo kit fitted from new and it was a dealer option. Other Nismo bits were available too. It's nice to have but you can purchase them from our traders if you want it and the car you want doesn't have it.
  7. Matt, nice idea and it's something I wouldn't mind doing but for charity. It's not that I couldn't do with the cash but it'd be ace to raise a lot of money for charity like that!
  8. I remember once spending half a day cleaning my black lexus and going for a cruise in the town. The shine under the lights was awesome. Stopped at some lights. It got bombarded. I don't mean covered in white spots I mean absolutely covered. I had to wash the windscreen before I could set off from the lights as I couldn't even see! I actually went straight to the jet wash. I have never again seen such an amount of bird poop released! Awful. I actually think Clark from Polished Bliss might have been with me at the time..... I seem to remember someone screaming 'Nooooooooooo!'
  9. the supra that was an eclipse???? Or a different supra that I'm forgetting about in the movie....
  10. This has to be a new record for most off topic in 2 pages. It went from where to put a number plate to a one armed gay fellow with a glove on in a matter of minutes..... So my suggestion is that you travel everywhere with a one armed gay man in the passenger seat holding your plate with his gloved hand. Job done!
  11. I just this minute renewed my multicar with admiral at a stonking price. The admiral wouldn't let me borrow his telescope or try on his hat though.
  12. Tidied and reopened. Please behave.
  13. thought that might happen I'll PM you a private pic Stew Thanks. If it has ladies boobs in it even better!
  14. I can't remember your plate exactly but it's 7 characters isn't it? If it is then you won't be able to get a cut down plate - check the links with the legalities and I found using craigsplates and selecting the 'legal' option keeps you right. Only really two options for placement. In the grille (cooling????? maybe no issue!) or on the bumper above the grille but then you could move it about to get the right height.
  15. Please please please video the burning Well, if and when I get them, I will make a thread to decide by what means they shall die We could make it a comp!
  16. Happy Birthday. My present to you was removing that image. I see enough stuff like that (and much worse) through oilfield safety alerts at work. I'd rather see a pic of your car please!
  17. Surely as a member of the team Mike, you shouldn't be posting this information as it could be seen as endorsement? Personal opinion not a collective one or an official opinion of the site...... I will NOT be taking my insurance out with Chris Knott as Jayne is 24 so not eligible to be a named driver on my policy. There. Even!
  18. I didn't take his number and I really don't want to waste any more of my time with this orifice. I'm not entirely sure going to Tesco in the squad car to get donuts is exactly a good use of my tax money either to be honest. Maybe his ill informed rant towards me justified it. I have a feeling that this officer might have been involved when my astra became my crashtra..... I put in a complaint about the officer in charge there as I didn't feel it was appropriate shouting at a 17 / 18 year old girl who was already upset at being involved in an accident. It says something when someone who has just had their parked car written off has to console the driver that did it because the police don't have any compassion or ability at handling a situation. All his subordinates stood and watched too without saying anything - leading by example at it's best. Did I ever hear back about that despite putting it in two statements? Did I heck! Then maybe it's not protocol to follow up on complaints. All I can say is that I'm glad I've had the pleasure of meeting some good police officers because the few bad ones I've met have really brought down all the bridges the good ones have built. It's funny as I wasn't that bothered when it happened (hence me not taking his number) but I'm quite annoyed about it now.
  19. Yh I have been looking at the wrapping aswell, its quite effective. Is there any pics of the Matte Black Veilside? Have a search bud. It was owned by Andy so search his posts. Also search Cfoster as he wrapped a complete Zed in CF vinyl.
  20. Carbon wrapping could be used to good effect on your project if you like the look of it. You could do the whole car in it. Andy built a matte black Veilside and it worked.
  21. My issue the whole time with this incident was the fact that I was told I was wrong (quite rudely) without any this copper having any knowledge of the law I was 'breaking' and his general attitude. Well I hope he went and read the rules (not that I'd EVER get an apology) and now knows the law. All I can say is that if my other half falls preggers I'm hunting him down so she can pee in his hat. Oh and his attitude has had a very negative impact on my attitude towards the police. Not the best result of a donut run to tesco that officer has ever had.
  22. Stew


    Yep. That works for me! I have a feeling that more sets of these might be appearing though going on other peoples reactions!
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