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Everything posted by Stew

  1. worlds slowest reactions? Or does your banner scroll ten times as quick as mine?
  2. I case you didn't find it. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=24330&hilit=headlight Advanced search is a million times better than the box by the way.
  3. Pimm. Then he got lights with a clear strip. Have a search for it with his name as the author and you should find the results. I seem to remember he used a few variations.
  4. Stew


    I know a man that could help......
  5. Not 100% sure. Spacebar might work. Either that or just click on it I think. I can try
  6. It's not license. I think it's security. It drives me nuts though!
  7. Looking for a bit of an 'add in' to keep a bit of software I use open all the time. It times out after about 20 mins and it's a pain in the bum.... It's not bank software or anything but something I use at work. Any suggestions?
  8. First car I did accidental left foot breaking in was my Dads 1 year old Jag XJ V8 when I was 18 and it was my first time driving an auto since passing my test. I learned quickly that day...... The Ivory seats nearly turned brown!
  9. Stewardess in pillow fight - soooooo much potential.....
  10. Carbon overlay. just make sure you can't see any yellow in the gap at the rear screen.
  11. Stew

    My starlet

    Quite a number up here that bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmm tsch around. Very affordable pocket rocket.
  12. Stew

    My starlet

    Quick beasties!
  13. Stew


    the range is a good indication on how you drive at that time more than being accurate over the tank. I often brighten up my commute trying to get to work with more miles than I left the house with!
  14. Looks nice in red. Much plans for mods or do you not bother much with that?
  15. I have a blackberry for work and an Iphone as my personal phone. I also have had 4 previous windows phones including 2 HTCs. My honest opinion? The Iphone pees on them all. It has it's shortcomings but honestly, it's so easy to use.
  16. People would think John Barnes had arrived in style!
  17. How about a Luxo barge? You can get a good 7 series, LS430, A8 or even an S Class for that coin. You'd deffo get a & series diesel. Loads of room, nice to drive, heaps of toys and won't lose you too much money. Servicing wouldn't be that bad either.
  18. I haven't Stan. Maybe some of the more southerly Scottish Members will have. Grey with red leather.
  19. Fools seldom differ! Wasn't just me then....
  20. I've seen a nice yellow 07 cupra that was very But the Mrs thought that the black lower bumper looked like "they forgot to fit a bumper to it" Bit of colour coding????
  21. It looks like a poor imitation of the XJ220! FR with a V8 for a 'vette please!
  22. some form of quick detailer and a cotton bud.
  23. this sounds like a plan. better plan, buy handcuffs, cuff her to the bed. then buy it. this works two fold; A) she doesnt run away and B ) well work that one out yourself I'm sure he has no need to purchase cuffs!
  24. And if you don't like golf interiors you won't like any other VAG car!
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