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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Glad to see my tax pounds at work! You run about making sure kids don't get preggers and drain the state forever (worthwhile) and he runs about in his police car handing out tickets wrongly and then not filing them (not worthwhile!)
  2. Happy Birthday Andy and congrats for hitting the big 3-0! You'll have to tell me if it hurts!
  3. Well if it makes sense to you Mr Nurrish then that's all that matters. I've driven the smart for two and the roadster in Brabus guise and coupe in standard form. Never the ForFour though. I went right through a redlight trying to get the perfect gearchange in the roadster The other smarts are actually cracking, if the forfour is as good then you'll still have fun.
  4. Loads of people where I live use them. I'm in the 'burbs though which is very different. I think they're brilliant personally for use around where I stay. Wouldn't dream of using them in the city or countryside roads though.
  5. You are correct. So I believe he's either gone through the whole exercise to: A) 'put the sh*ts up me' in which case he's wasted police time. Realised he's wrong so not processed the ticket in which case he's wasted police time. C) Has processed the ticket wrongly in which case he's wasted police time. Anyway I believe this is a victory to me and will gloat on this for quite a while.
  6. I think the mesh bit is a letterbox for Pizzas! Put it on the bockbox to keep it warm on the way home!
  7. Howdy Guy - long time no speak! I think any year will fit the same but the paint might not be the same. Is it Ebisu or Kuro you need?
  8. The more I look at the pics the more I like it.... My sister has a cashcow and I think it's alright and isn't bad looking but the juke makes it look prehistoric!
  9. Ok, just an update for those interested. Went to Grampian Police Headquarters today to get the regulations to ensure I confirm to the law when I get the new plates ordered. Surprise, surprise it's the same as the ones myself and others on here have posted up. So I was all chuffed that the idiot bobbie was wrong - Moral victory! At this point I skipped merrily round to Aberdeen Sheriff Court to pay my fine (decided it was far easier to pay £30 and get the t**ser off my back.) I handed over my ticket and they tried to process it. 'Sorry sir, it's not in the system' Well is there anything else I can do? Nope. Superb! I got them to take a copy of the ticket and write down that I attempted to make the payment today. Anyway, called Grampians Finest just now and spoke to someone who checked the computer. She said no crime had been listed against me but another officer wanted a statement about an accident in my works car park.... Anyway, the fixed penalty people will call me tomorrow to tell me what the situation is, I don't want to be chased for non payment of a fine. I've been away but had no messages on mobile or home phones or emails from the copper in question to say anything about it. Also, his 'evidence' that I requested a copy of has never materialised. So a wasted trip into town with parking..... Oh well, just something else to add to my letter of complaint about this orifice that'll be sent to his commanding officer. At the moment I'm very happy that justice has been done (or not as the case is!) and I have to look forward to two calls from officers tomorrow!
  10. It looks odd but strangely appealing....
  11. That could be the colour of the orange bits on my current bike Irfan. Either that or it's the colour of my old bike! Take your pic! viewtopic.php?f=21&t=35763 The 'burnt orange' on the Z1000 is lovely. Very classy pearlescent. The orange on the ZX6 is a semi-inducing mega flaked metallic. Both are AWESOME!
  12. That's a cool pic! I see you haven;t changed a bit Dave!
  13. Coloured Laquer for a one off finish is nice Craig. Red works VERY well on black and would compliment your calipers etc nicely. Looks classy and is one off.
  14. If they used a hot model this thread would have gone something like this..... Mike - 'What colour is the top on the girl in the pic' Stew - '34D'
  15. I could think of a BiB I'd like this to happen to.....
  16. Happy Birthday Keith. You're nearly as old as Nixy!
  17. The competition is now closed. Best of luck to all entrants. Now let the judging begin!
  18. Ooooooh, looks like bloons. I liked that!
  19. Come on Stew, Its worth more than that. Its got that kit fitted which I won't mention for fear of causing upset It only has the front bumper! So only 20bhp up rather than the full 50bhp! My offer of £4.50 still stands.
  20. If the bidding stops at £4.50 I'd take it though!
  21. I just think it depends to be honest. A Ferrari is a Ferrari but if it's a petrol head spending the money he might get a Ferrari(458). If its someones whos knowledge of cars comes from watching top gear (and Clarkson WILL tell everyone the McLaren is better as its British) then they will buy one of those (MP4). Ferrari's which I used to loathe just make you go all giddy.
  22. And in English ? I agree with DBlock to be honest.
  23. You can reply to a thread or PM a seller. If you reply it will need approved (forum software issue that is being looked at) but the limit only applies for creating a new topic in the for sale / zeds for sale sections.
  24. I got a text from my local landrover dealer saying 'we want your car' etc No idea how they got my number as a service there would equal the value of the car! I keep getting landie emails too..... weird. Anyway, take the test drive, I'm sure you'll love it! I did!
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