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Everything posted by Stew

  1. No idea what the drill was for????? The rest looks fine, it really is a very simple mod. Take good care of that MAF sensor. I never did the battery (I don't think - it was years ago!) but did an ECU reset after.
  2. Never has a thread deserved a title 'Zed owner bromance thread' so much!
  3. Great start and the car seems to be giving good reflections. Now time to get those arch liners cleaned up and the tyres dressed etc. I was going to ask what was going on with the brakes (AP stickers etc) but saw in the other thread!
  4. Great write up Dan. It's nice to see that you are enjoying the 911. It's my 'realistic dream car' in almost any age series from the 'almost a beetle' right to the 997. As you say, the Zed and a 911 aren't comparable at all. A Primera isn't comparable to a Panamera either..... I do think we need more pics though!
  5. Photobucket app for iphone if you already have an account. It's very easy!
  6. Happy Birthday Neil! Have a good day mate.
  7. I never use any of these stealing / sharing networks but I know this was trouble.
  8. Fraggle Rock was ace! I remember stuff like Button Moon too. The cartoon of the muppets was popular in my house too I'm sure.
  9. Stew

    big bore

    There are stroker kits availabale. BIG money though.
  10. I went to see a live show at Aberdeen Music Hall of EMU and grotbags was there. She was bloody terrifying! Saved by the Bell was another classic summer holidays programme. Screech was awesome! Kelly was hot!
  11. Cartoon or the aussie programme that was on in the holidays? 'Have you ever, ever felt like this. When strange things happen, you think you're going round the twist!' [/theme tune] Pugwall!
  12. Skeletor anyone? He scared the cr*p out of me!
  13. Between midnight and 6am when on nightshift no radio station is better! It's brilliant.
  14. do I admit I used to love this album ? I admit it. I love it. I'm not afraid of my lack of coolness.
  15. Dire Straits! Diverse is the term I'd use for Radio 1 today.
  16. I don't like sunscreen either to be honest. My work mate was laughing at me singing along to Gary Barlow Jimi Hendrix, Queens of the Stone Age and the Police in a 10 minute period!
  17. Radio 1 has been AWESOME today. Although Rolf Harris - Stairway to Heaven didn't do it for me!
  18. Haha that's about as far back as I go, I used to love Thundercats, I had the sword and everything! They don't make them like they used to. Me too. And my Auntie bought me the lair thing for Christmas. Ah yes, the broom cupboard. Ably anchored by this little chap (with assistance from some bloke called Andy)........ I got a Gordon the Gopher for Christmas! Roland Rat? I had one and fed it weetabix! Ghostbusters cartoon anyone?
  19. It's a car..... It can be driven back!
  20. The rim protectors were fitted to rtbiscuits car. Rim take can come in two forms. Straight and curved. Straight goes on with a little tool that you can buy and it works well. The curved stuff just sticks on but is very easy. Ebay or a motorbike accessory shop is the place to shop if that's the way you want to go.
  21. They booked Stirling Moss for the launch as he had just won the Mille Miglia in his 300SLR when the game was originally due to be launched.
  22. Good luck to RB. As for the planes etc. I used to fly on Aeroflot Tupelovs regularly and I'm still here although probably only through luck!
  23. Sarnie is your man. He's not as stupid as he appears!
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