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Everything posted by Stew

  1. www.picturestakeninwelshwales.com would be a good name! Liking your landscapes and wildlife best.
  2. I like Evo. Very well written and great pictures.
  3. Just ask Beavis about Tumble Dryers.
  4. Oh and Clarkson isn't the authority on cars......
  5. Nice. I think I'll be your friend when I get the camera!
  6. The team would be very happy for you to do this Rich.
  7. I'm looking at buying a 550d in the new year. I have done a bit of research and it does come down to nikon or canon if you want to be able to have all the accessories readily available to buy. I've 'handled' both makes and the canon felt more comfortable in my hand to be honest. Everything seemed to fall to hand. I'm not saying Nikon isn't better as I genuinely don't know but the canon felt right to me.
  8. John, I've said many times that my dad owned an XJ8 for 5 years. In that time he had nothing but first class service and total reliability. It was a 1999 car that he bought in '99 and kept till '04. He really regrets letting that car go. As you know he went in to buy a new XJ after my mum approved it! It was close to £70k with the spec he wanted I'm sure and was offered 9k below book for his year old mint condition S Class. Obviously he didn't make the change. Unfortunately it's some of the dealers that are really upsetting jaguar customers now. The cars look better than they ever have done and I'm sure build is ona par with what it always has been. It's how a dealers aftersales deals with issues is how happy a customer will be. Unfortunately for jaguar, they seem to have some dodgy peoplein some of their dealerships which people associate with 'Jaguar' when they are employees of a franchise NOT employees of the manufacturer.
  9. What will I do with the change?? Might see if I can get a canvas pic of DA WHIP....
  10. Stew


    Sounds like it was one side. That's the best thing about owners clubs, cheap parts!
  11. Got a statement in which had a massive 33 pence on it! Now I thought it'd say 'minimum payment 0.00' and they'd write it off as it'd cost them to get it but NO! So I bank transfer the 33 pence to them 15 days before the balance is due. Received a statement yesterday, opened it £0.33 CR...... The idiots took the minimum payment direct debit aswell! So now I have 33 pence to spend. What should I buy?????
  12. Is there resistance in the handle? I'm assuming it's a wire pull but never looked myself! I'm thinking along the lines that the wire has become unattached however I might be completely wrong! I'm thinking Alex might be the man to ask!
  13. That's why my motorbike gets put away for winter. The Zed isn't great in this weather, the bike is just frightening! Thankfully Simon has got away in tact (the car not so much...) and can tell us all to watch out on the roads. Others aren't as lucky.
  14. Stew

    245 on 275???

    I preferred sarahs 275's on her gtfs to my 285's Thought mine looked a bit too... chunky? NEVER! I like the chunkier look but it's all personal taste.
  15. Stew

    245 on 275???

    Or 285 for a beefier look. I run 285 on the rear (10") and it looks cool in my opinion.
  16. Will this make my car a GTR? Does this improve the horsepower of the car? Can this be modified to fit a Gulfstream G6? Will the kit fit in a smart car if I wanted to collect it? Will fitting this kit make me attractive to women?
  17. of Heather and Charlotte washing the zed in bikinis! Just kidding! There is still time to get some nice pics of your zed taken to be considered for inclusion in the club calendar for next year. Be quick and click the link in my signature for more details! along.
  18. Is it like a '3 years no polish' type product? Generally they aren't that great, dealers charge a couple/few hundred to do it but there is a lot of profit in it! Better spending your money on quality products that will give you the finish you are looking for.
  19. 30mm but in reality it's 27-28mm. Doesn't sound much but is pretty low. Sometimes the camber goes out of spec so camber bolts can be bought. Some by arms too but it isn't really necessary 90% of the time.
  20. On my way home at 7am todazy I'm going to listen to The Who Then when I'm at home I'm going to chuck this on (not driving I know) I actually have this on my most listened to iPod playlist (cutting the grass, weeding, cleaning the car etc etc) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txlXcJDtDwM&feature=related
  21. I reckon that the TC would be ok with 40 profile all round however I wouldn't be doing it. I'd rather buy quality part worns than change the size or fit ditch finders to save a few quid. The arch gap would look awful with 40 profile rubber too!
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