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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stick a picture of the car up! It might jog someones memory!
  2. If you are willing to travel to pick up a car then you can ask members local to the car for sale to have a look. This has been done before within this club and it works well! It sounds to me like you aren't happy with this car you've found locally. If that is the case then don't buy it. Simple as that!
  3. It's -6*C here just now. My office heating is cranked though!
  4. Stew

    My New Car!!!

    Pilgrimage to San Francisco has to be on the cards!
  5. Stew

    Snow socks

    The van full of snow socks probably got stuck in the snow!
  6. *Snow update* I saw grey on the road this morning! Not the back roads I take either but the A96 which is the main road going from Aberdeen to Inverness! The dualled bit are still one lane but it was actually grey in the tyre tracks and not just white like all the other roads!
  7. I was wearing my T shirt Daood. Put on jeans though as it was a bit chilly for shorts!
  8. Very good bud! I think you need a promotion to 'Chief Song Writer' on the forum!
  9. The road to the pub looks ok though! As do the paths - even better!
  10. Well I have to expel my used brain cells somehow Irfan!
  11. Get out and take quality pics of that snow mohican! That'd make a cracking calendar pic!
  12. It's a slant on some English people Dave. Mainly the ones that call England Ingerlund. You know the ones I mean. The ones with less brains than one of my farts. Obviously only a small minority of people in all countries are like that however they do all seem to attend football matches...... G Man, I'm a Scot that was living in Russia as an expatriate. I was repatriated to Scotland against my will though!
  13. The Prince also said 'We English love football' So pipe down about being British as the royal family obviously class themselves as English. If England had won the bid I'd have gone to a few matches though! As it is I might be made more welcome where it is being held being an ex-expat of the nation!
  14. Stew

    My New Car!!!

    I see the Fonz has left his jacket in it! That is AWESOME! Love it!
  15. European AA cover for the DB9 Hugh!
  16. Guessing you need to see it to use sat nav etc? Ebized had something that looked pretty decent in his 350.
  17. Good point vik. Also as you can see from the pic I also am seatbelted up in the works car park! I heard reports on local radio of -26! I've never personally seen the temps this low here before.
  18. A bit of fun in this cold conditions. Post up a pic of the temps you are currently facing. I went out to the car last night after work and saw this When I arrived at work this morning the temp reading was this The reports locally are mad but these are the temps that I saw personally.
  19. My old man would be in a new LWB XJ now if the local dealer could do maths. Trade in book price on current car - 9k = deal???? Don't think so! I'd have a Jag, every manufacturer has issues, some worse than others though. If the car itself is worth it then you'll deal with it and put up with it.
  20. Impressed, that's the levels on mine. Still a nice shape under all the snow though!
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