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Everything posted by Stew

  1. We can keep all the well wishing in one topic. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=44452
  2. I like these paint schemes and cars. They look cool!
  3. The oil companies make very little profit on petrol. Something like 1 or 2p per litre they sell after all costs have been considered. It's the government who are taking the vast majority of the money. Yup. Most of the profit comes from the sale of assets. I helped run a very successful well test the weekend before christmas that saw the value of the operator that owned the asset rise from £0.43 per share to £4.25 per share. The amount they produced was for testing only. This field couldn't produce for 2 years minimum with £100s millions invested yet the value of the company has rocketed. If they sell the field their profits would be MENTAL without actually producing anything let alone selling oil as fuel!!!!!
  4. And not american..... It was just to show a post 07 in azure.
  5. Ford S Max. Not a bad looking car. Not a bad handling car. Not massive but offers LOADS of space for the kids. You'd get a top spec one with every toy imaginable for under your budget.
  6. I have a few wells that are on OPECs list for shutting down to control prices / supply and none have been off for this reason since March 2009. I checked my logs to make sure! I can't speak for countries I don't look after though.
  7. They made imports in Azure after 2007 though I'm sure.....
  8. I sky+ EVERYTHING then don't watch the adverts.
  9. Maxxis tyres run on drift cars (EDC) I'm sure! I've never driven on them but have a go. If you like them they might be the next big thing. If you don't like them then change all 4.
  10. I'd be taking it all in if I was you. Hopefully it can be saved!!!!!
  11. 3D TV is not for me. You don't look with the glasses on. More I think..... Plus I don't want to sit wearing them at home. Sure if you get a good 3D movie it's awesome but apart from that it's nothing more than a fad I hope. Fully passive 3D TV, well that would change things!
  12. My well count keeps going up. Production rates are through the roof. Downtime is at a minimum. It isn't my fault!!!!! Greedy government.
  13. Stew


    I have the redline with the orange stitching too. Alcantara might look nice. It's nice to stroke too!
  14. I got some nice presents. I also got to be at off. Something that has only happened once in the last 10 years. That was the best bit. I've been offshore, in remote locations or in the office for 8 of those years and I worked in a pub when I was a student and worked christmas.
  15. It's quite cold for menzerna. It's tricky to use when the temperature is low. Now, the 4 cars you've listed have 2 very different paint types. Whats good for the 350Z might not enough enough cut to really work on the likes of the TT. I personally think you would be best getting a kitcwith a few compounds in it to try out. Just my 2p.
  16. Goodness me...... Christmas day at theirs must be fun!
  17. Yeah it was good. Got it for this year too!
  18. Thank Christ my recommendation came good!!!!!! Well done bud, myself and Jayne are really pleased for you and Laura!
  19. You said in your first post that winter tyres are expensive. How much is your insurance excess???? I know what I'd rather spend the cash on! Extra weight in the boot might help. I've been causght out in snow a few times in the zed and I live up a big hill. 3rd gear, feet off the pedals and I manage no issue. Tyres might pass the MOT but it doesn't mean they are giving you the best chance. The legal limit is 1.6mm (I think) and a new tyre has about 8mm of tread.
  20. Im brullyent at speeling at grammer. its ok biscit' Ill teech u al u knead to no.
  21. Welcome along. Nice to see YOUR car appearing on the forum again. I ride but I'm fair weather only and never been on track. Chopped in my P7F ZX-6R for a '10 Z1000 this year. There are quite a few bikers on the forum. Perhaps we need a 'show us your motorbike' thread.
  22. Challenge for the night..... Come up with an original 350z-uk repost poster.
  23. I don't want to know what you are doing with your balls!
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