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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Is this taking into account running the car on petrol to and from work as you indicated? Also the warm up period (minimum 2 miles) has to be factored in. Losing the space in the boot wouldn't be great as I was sure you were changing cars to get a decent sized boot and extra seats. A lot of risk for a lot of compromise for you I feel. If you were commuting 100 miles a day then brilliant but I don't think you'll see much benefit really. Just my 2p worth.
  2. I'd buy a car that was already converted (by a reputable company) as the LPG conversion doesn't really get it's money back. You'd pay a few quid premium on a big V8 but that's about it. I worked at a local petrol station / garage when I was a loon and they were first to get the lpg pump in the area. We used to chat to the owners and it became very apparent that some cars worked better than others with the conversion. This was 10 years ago though! I did drive a few LPG cars and they were fine. At the time the fuel consumption dropped by approximately 10% however the cost is approximately half that of petrol. Performance can drop depending on the engine but not in a night and day way. The car needs to start and run on petrol for 2-3 miles each journey so your commute has to be decent to benefit and also these miles have to be factored in to the 'break even' point - something I bet 90% of users don't do! Anyway, what I just type might be utter rubbish nowadays but from what I've read the technology hasn't moved on that much, just the systems are perhaps slightly slicker.
  3. ~Frost today. Pffffffft. I want proper SNOW!
  4. Where is the snow? I want lots of it now!!!!
  5. 997s galore at 30 - 35k. They are 2004/2005 models with varying specs and mileages. A GOOD 996 Turbo can be had for less than 30k too.
  6. The 993 turbo pics are taken in Polished Bliss studio (before the upgrade!) I really like the 993. Widebodied for me please. Not into bodykitted beasts though.
  7. A pay rise is a privilege and not a right. I'm not saying people don't deserve them but people speak about getting a pay rise like it's certain. Unless it's written into your contract you can't expect it, especially not when the government, local authorites and many private companies are struggling. I'm sure that opinion won't be popular though.....
  8. That exige isn't basic!!!!! It has a cup holder!! Very nice exige.
  9. Don't worry Vik, I know there is a vast difference between Frontline staff and backroom staff let alone elected members. I wouldn't tar everyone with the same brush so if I ever make derogatory comments about the council you know it's the muppets I'm referring to not the frontline staff. The same with any public sector organisation. I'm sure it was media hype and I tried to find the report but the city council cut the bus the same day as they approved tea, coffee and butteries being supplied at meetings. I'm sure it wasn't a swap and I'm sure it the values were not even close. As you can imagine it upset a lot of people though. I'm glad I don't pay directly into the city council coffers as they seem like a bunch of 'tards. The shire council (cooncil) which I pay into seem to manage things better. Just another excuse to laugh at the toonsers.
  10. When I think of the council and how it's run pictures of Basil Fawlty run through my mind along with the benny hill theme tune.
  11. Use anything but IE and I think you get a spell checker. Firefox has one for sure and I think Chrome has one.
  12. Aberdeen city cooncil elected to stop a free coutesy bus to the crematorium (which isn't serviced well by public transport at all!) so they could get free butteries at their meetings. Outrageous! The pensioners that want to pay their last respects to their friends now have to pay for taxis. But it's ok, the council are enjoying their aitkins rolls. B**tards. I'd contest it, I'm sure you'll end up paying but it's worth looking at www.pepipoo.com for advice.
  13. They are looking at the 370Z colours.... Not the type of mistake you'd expect from a Nissan HPC.
  14. It is a nice feature. I'd actually prefer that people used 'proper' topic titles if the content is relevant ie. not in the off topic section. The men in red will have a look I guess.
  15. I thought it was just a question of falling in and out at the right angle? Is that not an art form?????
  16. It's an art. I had a seat in an exige cup car. An exige with a roll cage. Now getting into an exige is a challenge at the best of times. With a roll cage in the way it's HARD! I managed. And I got out! Not bad for a right fatty!
  17. Looks like you are getting the hang of the new camera Gurjeet! I must admit that I have been gutted I don't have a new cam yet this winter as it's been a particularly pretty one!
  18. side skirts and rear valance?
  19. Pffffffffffft. There isn't even enough cardboard to make a good fort there.
  20. tawsies will be a millionty quid!
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