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Everything posted by Stew

  1. 50/50 with coke. That's your JD mix!
  2. My mate bought that car (with the wrap removed) It was black underneath and ended up doing the wheels and exhaust black. Looked ace.
  3. She's more likely to cut you up bit by bit to find out why it broke Neil! Yes, she's got the brains and the looks for us both.
  4. Not baby related! Well today my Fiancee (or future wife if you like...) goes back to Uni to start her PhD. It's going to be 3 years of hard work but hopefully worth it at the end. Not financially as Scientists are paid rubbish money I'm told! The PhD is in Neuro Science and something to do with nerves. Here is link to the abstract of the paper she had published in PNAS - http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2010/ ... 7.abstract And here is a bit more - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2922142/ I'm really proud of her as she's worked really hard to get here and had so many set backs with obtaining funding. I'll be putting my money in the MND Scotland tub from now on though - http://www.mndscotland.org.uk/ as they are a charity that are actually funding studies that are looking at helping sufferers of this awful disease and not just paying pen pushers! Anyway, just wanted to share that as I'm so pleased for her.
  5. One of the best mods I carried out on the Zed was to get braided hoses and RBF600 fluid. Enen on the full on Dixcel setup I have I felt the difference changing these things. A set of decent pads with decent fluid an lines if you can and the brakes are absolutely spot on.
  6. Should be 35 profile on 19s generally. The important thing is matching the profile. I have seen up to 265s on the front and 305s on the rear in the UK.
  7. Some of the french members are pretty good at english though.... Have a search on here for 'French' or something concentrating on the intro section and you'll probably find the french members.
  8. Stew


    I drive a lowered Aerosync (very similar to V1) car and speed bumps are a bit awkward. I generally avoid them.... The car can make it over most of them over at an angle slowly. Unlowered I don't think there would be much or an issue. A car is still for driving though and this is the reason I went for Aerosync as it's urethane and can flex over it. If it was fibreglass I think it would have been in a million bits by now!
  9. We have members from all over Europe. French forum - http://www.notre350z.com/ I'm sure the Euro members will share the name of the forum. Thomas Sorenson is a member from Germany that might help too.
  10. It is. It's absolutely glorious. If I were to have an Alfa it'd have to be the V6.
  11. I'd be surprised if there are many LHD drive Zeds in the UK.
  12. The mark 2 was just xr2, the injected engine came in the mark 3. I had a nostalgic flash back tonight. There was a breeze blue Nova SRi cruising about near my work. My first car was a breeze blue flair - the same as an SRi (once I changed the front seats) except below the rub strip was blue on mine and the sri had grey. Ace! My memory must be going! Of course the mkII wasn't injected! But Nova's! Now were talking! All my mates had Nova's and I was the odd one out with my ford! Ahh memories! My group was mixed. One of my mates STILL has Mk1 and Mk2 Fiestas! Another is looking into building a Nova sport just now. He also has a Nova tattoo but that's a different convo altogether!
  13. Stew

    Alien car

    Do it! You can doo eeeeet!
  14. Have a look here. viewtopic.php?f=61&t=42383&hilit=square
  15. The mark 2 was just xr2, the injected engine came in the mark 3. I had a nostalgic flash back tonight. There was a breeze blue Nova SRi cruising about near my work. My first car was a breeze blue flair - the same as an SRi (once I changed the front seats) except below the rub strip was blue on mine and the sri had grey. Ace!
  16. Stew

    Dakar pics

    This years Dakar pics from the Boston Glabe. http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/0 ... _2011.html I posted pics last year too and some of them are similar but equally as breathtaking!
  17. I saw that Zed when I was looking for a new jeep. Great spec. My friend (old boss) got a car from autoquake and it was very genuine. Great service he received too. back.
  18. Stew

    Alien car

    What is wrong with that? Yeeeeeehaaaaaw!
  19. Note - Moderator discretion used as I can see the username is missing from the pictures. * A photograph with your user name on a piece of paper with the item(s) must be posted at the time of placing the advert edit - Still not conforming to the rules Husky dog but again I will use my discretion. You've run out of discretion now so next time do it right!
  20. I enjoyed Max Power when I was at School. I used to buy it from 1st year (11 or 12) till I was about 17 or 18. It was a good source of boobs and cool cars when I was young. Then it got bad and I haven't bought it for 9 or 10 years. I have no idea if it improved in this time or not.
  21. I think the physical size is too small to pull off the front end. The C Class front looks better. That looks llike it's trying to be an SL and not a very convincing one. I really like the current shape SLK. The proportions and styling are right - especially in AMG trim. I'll have a look in the flesh though. I might change my mind!
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