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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I've had 450 I think before. Made it from the Wales drives to my house outside Aberdeen (via Stans house in Manchester traffic) on one tank. The light only came on 3 miles from my house. That was sitting at just under 80 (indicated) with the cruise on. Even running about I get more than 300 miles.
  2. It's been 'dingin doon wi sna' here for the last few hours.
  3. Nothing for 9 year to R1!!! Hope you have restraint on the right wrist!
  4. Marmite and peanut butter is a good savoury snack. Peanutbutter and Jam or peanut butter and marmalade is Gooooooood too. I love peanut butter. Crunchy Skippy is the best by far. Big Costco jars are a total winner!
  5. And Mike will be in his 'Mr Incredible' outfit. Possibly fighting crime in Manchester......
  6. We saw it before launch day (thanks Mike ) their is a possibility of a commercial too. May even make a Film if its successful. James Cameron is in talks about it. 'That 350Z off of the We Buy Any Car advert in glorious 3D' is the working title.....
  7. It's ok, I saw it on launch day so beat you all!
  8. Whats with the upside down socket??
  9. Stew

    Zed no more!

    I'm a big Mercedes fan. The SL is a truly brilliant car. It does look nice withthe AMG kit and wheels but without the SL55 running premium. The 500 will be smoother and easier to live with.
  10. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr I am biscuit. I am manly man! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! You don't full us. So is it Clarins or Lancome you use then?
  11. 18 x 8 aren't good sizes..... Ok(ish) for the front with the right offset but not much rubber on the road on the rear. The rays wheels are 8.5" on the rear.
  12. Yeah, yeah Rich. I think you are protesting too much.
  13. But condition of employment is that the oss needs use of the 370Z.
  14. I asked my mate about this as he works for a sevenoaks and knows about stereos.... His response was 'it looks good but it's only sold from the manufacturer so I don't know much about it. There are quite a few options on similar equipment from Linn, Naim etc and loads of streaming options from denon, marantz, arcam, sonus etc etc. Not much info I'm afraid but I must say I really like the sonus stuff.
  15. They punt the 'undesirable' cars at auctions and the 'desirable' ones go to their car supermarket locations. That is why the prices vary so much.
  16. You are cleaning the crusty bedsheets on the Tugs. They don't call them Tugs for nothing you know!
  17. I spotted it first really but didn't post it up in public view. I was at an advantage though... Anyone that knows the line of work Mike is in will probably guess how it came about. That OK Mike??? £5 to me as promised for putting them off the scent?
  18. I can help out if you want. I'm a local loon too.
  19. I have seen it. Are you sure it's a Nismo?????
  20. Maybe some pictures would help? Also, you have to check out if damage has occured behind the bumper....
  21. So the MD is bullying you? Hows the bullying occuring? I see he wants commitment and has made insensitive (and stupid) comments about mortgages.....
  22. I spent my 25 birthday bobbing on a semi submersible drilling rig running an award winning heavy oil Artificially lifted well test. Two weeks later I was in the office and I'm happy to be there, I dropped money to be there but it was worth it to get some routine in my life. I was travelling constantly and it wears you down unless your partner wants you to go away all the time! 3 years in the office now and love what I do. Luckily I work for a large company and there are opportunities to move jobs if I Want and they will train me etc.
  23. You can't miss money that you never had in your account.
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