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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Is it just me or does Danni look better these days (post kiddie) than she did before??? Still like kylie better though. The margin is shrinking these days though!
  2. Tim@Envy would have a good chance of getting a mchine too.
  3. I notice she's miked up to receive her gift.
  4. I went to Franky and Bennys for the last time about 5 years ago. Absolute garbage. I nipped to Nandos with my mate yesterday and it was full of mums with babies???? Wagamama food is nice, last time me and my mate were in we were sat beside JLS. I'm not the biggest fan of chain restaurants but they are normally ok for midweek lunch.
  5. AG Super Resin isn't a machine polish. I think it'd break down far too quick. Best to invest in Machine polishes. Something to bear in mind, If you are not 100% confident in using the machine for polishing then get a finishing pad and use the machine for a glaze or sealant to get to grips with it.
  6. The worst offending posts were removed. You have apologised and in the Teams view (we've been here lots of times) this says a lot about a person. As far as I'm concerned, you've apologised so this is a fresh start. If anyone has a problem with this then it's their own problem. So as a fresh start I'd like to say to the club.
  7. I originally posted it in the green room for a reason. The link is not safe for work and not really to everyones taste.
  8. Is the lines from the tank to the carb OK? I have a Revo too and I seem to remember that line gunking up....
  9. http://www.pokernewsreport.com/gareth-w ... -2011-1271 Congratulations to Gaz Walker. He's obviously better at Poker than he was at running a business. Or paying back money that he owes to people.........
  10. DA is the best on Zed paint. Just rememer that you can use sealants and glazed too with them on the correct pad.
  11. Nah, his current role was just holding it when the workshop boys went for a pee. He's moving up the ranks now and will be massaging too.
  12. Commuting on an R1. You are a hero!
  13. Congratulations on getting your new position of Chief Male Genital Handler.
  14. One of my mates had one for 4 days! Didn't like it! Saying that he sold his brand new GTR after 1100 miles too! I like them!
  15. I'm itching to get the bike out. Missed out last weekend when it was dry up here. My Neighbour was out on all 3 of his (not at the same time obviously! ) but I couldn't get mine out as I had people working at the house. Looking at the forecast for this week and it's blooming snow!
  16. Stew

    Square setup

    With 8.5s and 30 offsets you'll need spacers. I always feel that if you are changing wheels then you might aswell get it right first time.
  17. Cosworth Panel Filters are meant to work well in the HR. for a price.
  18. Stew

    Square setup

    People have done both hence me asking. I guess ultimately tyre size would come down to how you want the car to look and how aggressive the offsets are.
  19. Stew

    Square setup

    I just searched 'square setup' and there are quite a few results. Are you wanting a square setup on the tyres or staggered?
  20. Your car is not american.
  21. The spring is coming - well it better be! Seeing as quite a few people are bikers I thought we could have a wee motorbike thread to discuss bikes / show pictures etc. It's nice to keep all the bikey posts together!
  22. Did you like my FB post earlier though Husky dog?
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