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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Special Forces were in to pull out the Britains left in the desert. I have friends that were based in Libya that are now out and safe - thankfully. My neighbour had a a hell of a time in the desert and beat the special forces by a few hours when a charter plane arrived. Friends of mine (working for the same company as me) left by Charter jets and boats. The problem with 'taking him out' is that what happens to the country? War for power? His son or one of his loyals step in the uphold his regime? Instant peace and democracy? I have a feeling it's going to be unstable for quite a while!
  2. Is that track only? What happens if he runs out? Switchable maps? I know its quite common in VAG land to have remaps for different fuels as they can have multiple maps so not uncommon to have race map (101RON), SUL map (99RON) and UL (95RON) map, oh and vallet map with the rev limiter set to 3k RPM It's a toy. One Map I'm sure but might be switachable.... He has a a stand alone ECU I think so not sure what limitations it has. It doesn't get used much though and I think he carries spare strapped to his roll cage!
  3. I like Uber Racer! It's a good little app. Prefer it to the GT one actually.
  4. Stew

    Andy (kudos)

    Try to contact him through his site.
  5. My mate runs high octane fuel (some race additive) however his car is mapped for it so he gets full benefit of it.
  6. You're supposed to just let the weight of the machine do the work which is easy when working downwards, but not so when working on the side! You soon get used to it, although I did have to keep stopping myself when I realised I was applying too much pressure at various points. That's the beauty of the DA though, as you can get away with making small errors like that. If you mark up the backing plate with one think black line you can monitor the speed of the pad easily. With a DA it's not always easy to see how fast it's spinning. Show us your truck Dan!
  7. Stew


    Your post is pretty vague..... What are you looking for? Aftermarket? Light weight? Price? Safety ratings? Use? Width? MWTech do seats so maybe drop Martin a PM.
  8. I'd say personally that it's fairly normal. However I'd still check the heat at the wheels after a journey over the road to work. If one side is hotter that the other then a sticky caliper is possible.
  9. How the hell does he get dressed in the morning?
  10. Hope you have a good Birthday Irfan.
  11. There you go........ http://www.stgeorgesholiday.com/ From a Welsh Man. I celebrate St Andrews day and Rabbie Burns birthday too.
  12. Stew

    Project like!

    Meh, I could take him...... in my dreams I'm a lover not a fighter anyway!
  13. Stew

    Project like!

    Or Stew will everyone up! With help from a Zedrush and his MMA fighting team!
  14. Well I went to see Stephen K Amos last night. I like hitting the guiness.
  15. Stew

    Project like!

    We're REALLY close to where we want to be. Please click the links and add the pages if you're a facebook user.
  16. My other half is doing a science based PhD just now. Luckily, I am able to support her so the cash doesn't matter - you can't miss it if you don't have it!
  17. I want to know if corsa girl has been sitting outside McDs since waiting for her boob feel!!!
  18. Happy birthday John. Hope you have a great time in Dublin. 4-0 ehhhhh, you don't actmamday over 21!
  19. 1. Beavis 2. martinmac 3. octet 4. Tarmac 5. ChrisS 6. Chesterfield 7. 350Russ 8. Stew
  20. M350Zb took longer than this to decide what kit, then he took months to decide where to get it fitted Like the colour though M350ZB used to take to 10 hours to decide what socks to put on in the morning. Nice bright paint. Is it a custom mix or from another manufacturer?
  21. Is photoshop required? It looked the same before it was wrapped so just look at pics before hand or look at any kuro......
  22. Some pictures from the NY times http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011 ... unami.html
  23. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That's not a story Cragus....
  24. Stew, your car is f*cking shite. Thanks Liam. I looked out the window and can clearly see the car humping a lump of poop to within an inch of it's life! It's really going for it! So you are absolutely correct, my car is f*cking sh1te.
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