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Everything posted by Stew

  1. If you go in shouting and ranting about it you will get nowhere. Go in very calm and speak to the service desk. Ask them how they propose to remedy it. If they answer isn't acceptable then ask to speak to the manager. Do the same with him. Give him the opportunity to remedy the issue without demanding anything. Again, if this isn't acceptable to you then go higher up the chain, GM, Honda UK etc. It's a very simple error, shouldn't happen but unfortunately has. It's how the dealership deals with it now that will prove if they are good are not.
  2. Well if anyone wants to share a similar problem on here there is no problem. A problem shared is a problem halved. Or possibly doubled if it becomes open season like on that thread!
  3. Ah well. Maybe thats the case. I went to see my mate at his powdercoating business and he was speaking about how there were thousands (eight thousand rings a bell) of different black powders available! They can do a lot of colours but they only carry a small selection. I assume most coating companies are the same. I reckon the right powdercoater could possibly do something you were happy with colour wise.
  4. I'd get all four powdercoated. You'll notice the difference.....
  5. Don't worry, my hard drive is in lock down mode!
  6. I can keep them entertained with your playing while you master the trance geeeetar!
  7. I remember when I got my 20s done I was at the garage and three guys were doing the wheels carefully with the owner of the place (my dads mate) watching intently!
  8. I'm pretty sure a lot of members here have forged friendships that will last a very long time. It's a very nice thing that a little internet forum for a car club can be a catalyst for long term friendships. [/gay]
  9. Cris Knott? I know they have postcode restrictions.... They (like sky) are forum sponsors.
  10. 22Bs are awesome! I remember a friend of mine (RIP ) boyfriend got a brand spanking 22B for his 18th. He usedd to pick her up from School in it! This replaced his MacRae edition which was his first car. I always loved it. Just a shame the uneducated wouldn't know it was special!
  11. I've never paid over £500 a year fully comp in the (nearly) 5 years I've owned the Zed and I was 23 when I bought it! They seem to be affected by postcode quite badly.
  12. The only place they'd disappear to is into the gutter!
  13. Have you ever ridden an RS125? 2 stroke heaven! probably the closest to a real GP bike you can buy, made my R1 feel like a bus through the twisties. Yup I have. I wouldn't want to commute on one though and as quite a number of my mates proved when we were younger, italian 2 strokes are less than reliable as a package - especially when used in the wet. Don't believe for a second you'll go faster on a 600. Those little race rep things beg to be revved and need to be to get anywhere. You'll be full throttle EVERYWHERE! My personal preference would be something with a wee bit of torque so you can relax and cruise and nip away from traffic lights etc when required. If you are set on a 125 then I'd get a scooter. Makes more sense for commuting in my eyes, can stick your helmet and bits and bobs under the seat and they are nippy round town.
  14. I had to laugh on iii today, someone had been tracking a ship trying to follow the drill rig. All excited watching it make its way across the channel etc - turned out they were tracking a tanker Ask someone on here about the fun with Betty Knutsen before Xmas on the XEL board...................... Shame you were all relying on crap info. I was in the room with one of the directors of XEL (as you know ) as he we would say to the rig 'How many tote tanks on deck? 8 would come the reply..... How many on the boat?..... 2. The chat boards (that the boss man was looking at on his ipad) were all excited that 2 had been filled. So far behind!
  15. I've never used them either. I have a feeling they were designed for rotary though..... Not done too much reading up on them as I prefer my bling bling wooden pot of Supernatural.
  16. Screw that. Why get your full license then buzz about on an underpowered race bike that has no comfort.
  17. Ibherdesign....... That car has been on the go for ages. It really is not my cup of tea.
  18. My Mum used to lend her granddaughter her DS. My Dad also used to have to fight to get his iPhone of his granddaughter. The oldies are allowed tech too!
  19. If you are doing DAS then get an eco 600. Kawasaki E6N or F, Hornet, Divvy etc. They will all be nippy in traffic, economical and comfortable.
  20. Searched and found the thread. viewtopic.php?f=30&t=34438
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