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Everything posted by Stew

  1. The comedy gala was pretty crap. There was no flow between acts.
  2. They'd say 'sure. You can have a meet. Here are tour props....' hands over 26 Burberry caps. 'now you are yourinternet friends put these on and rev your engines, we'll send in DI burnside and the of the boys from sunhill to take you down.....'
  3. I have done this on a few forums to make like easier, not supported by PHP though.
  4. Yep getting old and your sense of humour is failing!
  5. I'm building and playing Harry Potter Lego tonight. It's not the best lego thing but it's PROPER blocks and not moulded pish so should be fun.
  6. Check out these Man Cave garages. http://link.brightcove.com/services/pla ... 8137284001
  7. Ross, when you coming out to play? I can pop round this week on the bike to see you sit on yours with all the gear on! I wear kevlar jeans all the time now, I find them comfy and you don't look like a total tool when you're in town for something!
  8. Superb...that's in Ferryhill at my father in laws gaff. Cool. I would have said I'm surprised I haven't seen it there if it was your place but I don't think I've visited in a while......
  9. I think you've got yourself a bargain if the wheels are in good nick.
  10. Pffffffffffffft it's all lies. We all know that the Zed is limited to 155 mph. MArtin, you're not quite a senior citizen yet!
  11. APC is an All Purpose Cleaner. The leather MUST be fed after using it. To be honest for a regular maintenance clean the gliptone cleaner followed by conditioner is more than sufficient. Smells great too!
  12. Really? Is that all you have? You were full of abuse last night aimed at me and others.... Not many people say I'm a c**t then give up..... That's my nights entertainment over then.
  13. APC and Gliptone is your friend! I have looked after my Dads previous Jag XJ with Ivory leather and his Range Rover had the lightest leather they do too..... He wears jeans a lot...... Nightmare!!!!! A little rub with APC and a good going over with Gliptone and it looks brandnew.
  14. I was looking at those pics and thinking 'looks like Aberdeen Granite', then I thought 'I recognise that area....' Then I saw my Auntie and Uncles house in the back ground of the first picture!
  15. I'm not a hypocrite and don't appreciate being called one. Also what was I preaching exactly? I don't know you, I don't know how you drive. I merely read what you wrote and based my opinion on your words. I also requoted you saying what would a judge, jury and the public think if that statement was read in court????? I'm sure they'd jump to the same conclusions that I did. That you drive like a muppet. These people wouldn't know you either or know how you drive. If I misinterpreted your post I apologise for that however my reply was based purely on what you had written.
  16. Tim, I didn't see your vid so won't comment on it at all. I know your editing skills are good so I might have a look for it on youtube. The Prison post really makes you think though..... I look at from the other side too being a biker too.
  17. try having a read of this http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/gassing/to ... 0&t=629763 Exactly what I was going to post up Russ. Well Mr bigbramble, I'm glad your crystal ball is well polished and that you know exactly what is round every corner so you can safely carry on treating the road like a race track. Perhaps doing burnouts outside schools are cool too??? Also, it's nice of you to make yourself known to the team and all the members so that when the routes for drives are being handed out you'll get the one going in the opposite direction. It is also worth knowing that the team will not tolerate dangerous driving on our drives out, you WILL be banned from attending meets and banned from the club forum if there are substantiated complaints. It's happened before but hopefully it won't happen again. I understand your point, I'm no angel and don't claim to be however the club reputation means a lot to the people that give up their time to run it and to a lot of our members. We collectively don't want to see the club destroyed due to an incident on a club meet. Also read this statement out loud. Imagine that being read out in a court of law in a case against you due to a driving offense. The local papers would be quoting that and the judge and jury would lap it up.
  18. I want to fit a V8 in my dads snow blower. It's a 200 or 250 cc just now, surely an easy swap!
  19. The VQ is all Jap. The french knicked after it won so many awards. Tell your mate to stop listening to Jeremy Clarkson and read a book!
  20. I posted a similar question a few days ago! viewtopic.php?f=13&t=50177 I have stolen the answers from this one though!
  21. Here is the prison diary and some more info in a blog as the PH thread is quite involving. http://prison-diary.blogspot.com/
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