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Everything posted by Chesterfield

  1. So you want to install a twin turbo setup prior to paint too? When is the deadline for sending to paint - even if you delay a week? Getting a wide arch kit and twin turbo setup into a zed in a short space of time will, in all seriously, end quite badly. Twin turbo engine builds on a Zed take a long time. They are not a simple bolt on and good to go. Combine this with wanting to make a good job of a quality wide arch kit and you are looking at months of prep work and testing. And thats from my little knowledge about engine modding of a Zed. There are those here that have done an awful lot of engine work that will be able to advise in more detail, but if you rush something like a twin turbo or supercharger build on a zed, it will most likely go bang sooner rather than later.
  2. When you click reply or post you will see a few grey box buttons - one will have [img ] (without the extra space) on it. Simply paste the full URL to the image you are wanting to post, highlight this text in your post and click the at the start and [/img ] at the end. This will then display your image. give it a test in this thread
  3. find the image you want on google etc and then put the full address of that picture in your post, highlight it and press the button marked "Img" when posting. your link should appear something like this: just without the spaces. Your image then appears like this:
  4. Careful you dont fall off that high horse of yours. There are only a few Vielside kitted Zeds, and even less that have had it done to a good standard. While you may be perfectly good at fitting and prepping a car, you need the right kit to start with. If you try to source a wide arch veilside in a single day, you are going to end up with an ill fitting load of rubbish. You cant polish a turd. You will then most likely still miss your deadline due to the extra work involved in getting it to fit. It would probably be a better idea to put the whole job back a few weeks to allow you the time to source the kit. If it is the client that has made this decision to have a kit at the last minute, then they need to be advised that decision will add some delay in order to ensure they get a quality kit and not some half arsed aerofix job. It would make more sense to delay a project due to a customers last minute decisions and still deliver thema quality product rather than try to accomodate these last minute decisions without moving the deadline and deliver a poor end result. Just tell the customer they can have a quality product and a delay, or a poor product sooner.
  5. You arent scheduled to drive down the M1 any time soon are you? If not I shall have to plan a trip over in the next few days
  6. The fuel burning heater is a standard fitment on my car (2011 MY Sport 3.0TDV6). It comes on in conjunction with the engine at cold temperatures to help heat the coolant and get the car up to normal operating temerature a little quicker. The car can be specified from the factory with "timed climate". Effectively all this does is add a menu option to the dash allowing for the fuel burning heater to come on independent of the engine to preheat the coolant and cabin (defrosting the car before you get to it). All that is needed is a simple software change to add the functionality. You can also have the heater work on remote, sold as "remote park heat", this requires a couple of extra parts (receiver and antenna) which are simple plug and play units, but also requires a quick change of a setting on the software. While my local dealer is more than happy to supply the extra parts for the remote functionality, and I already have the fob. They can't for obvious reasons enable the settings on my car as these are options which cost a significant sum when ordering the car from new and this would be a serious no-no for the dealerships. I used to do stuff like this with the VAG com on a golf I once had, but it seems the software for doing it yourself these days is a LOT more expensive than it used to be. Just wondering if there is anyone out there with access to the Autologic or similar tool that would be willing to enable the correct settings for me in exchange for funds to take their better half out for a meal or something.
  7. Crime going down in our area Its also lower than a couple of other "prestigious" areas in Chesterfield I actually wonder if the more readily available access to these sorts of statistics will actually change peoples views on different areas of cities/towns. It may also have a knock on effect for the property values in those areas as people discover that the name they gained many moons ago doesnt actually fit with todays statistics.
  8. "Supporting" is helping provide 3 square meals a day and a roof over their head. It is not providing them with Nike Airs, plasma Tv's and a new car every three years to run around in. We have moved from "supporting" to actually providing items that most people consider luxuries or at least have to work for. Besides which, if somebody needs "support" in order to pay for food and clothes for children, should they be having them? Yet again, its somebody elses responsibility to finance the stupid decisions made by idiots. Am I just old fashioned or do people actually consider whether they can afford children or not before deciding to have them any more? Christ on a bike, Im only 33 and even I think thats just a basic part of planning a family. If people cant afford to live where they live and feed the number of children they have on a total of £26,000 in benefits a year then either move or keep your legs shut. Its not a difficult concept. Several years ago I could not afford to feed and clothe children. So guess what. I didn't have them. I couldnt afford a plasma TV several years ago. So I didnt buy one. I couldn't afford a brand new car either, so I ran round in a lovely Austin Maestro, which I then upgraded to a 7 year old Fiat Tipo. Simply put, if you need support to pay for food for your children, then you can't afford to have them. Had we decided to pop out a couple of kids and claim I had a bad back, then we could have no doubt had them clothed and fed by the state and also I would have been able to get rid of the rusty old Fiat and have the state buy me a Nice new Nissan Qashqai or something similar. It seems today however, you dont need to worry about whether you can actually afford to look after children before having them, or whether you can afford to have the latest luxuries in society such as a mobile phone and plasma TV, as the state will cough up. Make a mess of your finances and borrow too much for your TV's and sofas. Dont worry, get an emergency loan from the DSS that will never be paid back. I even know a family thats living on benefits, neither party works, one has "disability" allowances and the other gets a carers allowance for looking after him. Yet he still manages snooker, golf and riding his Harley around. They are "planning" another child, yet they have ZERO income other than benefits from the state. This is just plain wrong. Yet somehow we have a system that thinks this is perfectly fine to be planning another child even though you dont have enough means to feed your first one.
  9. I can't even convince a council that they are wasting money when I put it in black and white in front of them. Unfortunately public sector have largely zero clue what so ever about getting value for money or looking at things objectively. The top brass in any public sector organisation only ever do things which either: a) give them the best chances of re-election or in a manner which offers them immunity from persecution should their decision be the wrong one. They have "frameworks" - which basically means, they pass the buck and things are done according to the "framework" regardless of whether it is best value for money or not. What it does mean however is that if it gets dicovered and brought up in public that it is not best value for money, the person responsible for making the poor decision will never get sacked as they did things by the "framework". This falls under category B above.
  10. The government is forcing NEST in. People can opt out if they want to, but as a default all employees are opted in. And who in their right mind will opt out of a pension scheme where your employer is obliged by law to make a contribution? The net cost to my company will be about £9k a year, so not really an issue, but its another £9k that could have been used on marketing or employment of a part timer to do admin etc. It wont now. As for child tax credits being available to all those who work. No, they arent. My household is entitled to zero. Zero child tax credits, zero child allowance, zero income support, zero of any benefit of any kind what so ever. Yet I am one of the fortunate ones that is told by many how "lucky" I am. Has there been an element of luck in my life? Probably. Has a lot of it been due to hard work in school, college and my working life. Undoubtedly. And my reward for building something up and helping to create jobs in the local community etc? Being entitled to absolutely ZERO benefit of any kind. If I find myself out of work (or dead) tomorrow my family will receive ZERO in benefits from the state. As my fortunate position over the years has resulted in me being able to save enough money (after the daft tax rates) to ensure my family will have a decent standard of living after my death, or if I find myself out of work we can continue on for a while until I start earning again. I would get ZERO from the state, even after having paid in through company and personal taxes over £2m in my lifetime so far. Yet after doing all that, contributing to society in terms of jobs, local wealth, and a huge ammount of tax. The finger is pointed at me and said, you can afford it so you should pay more. Starting to see why it makes peoples blood boil? Addressing some of the previous points... Then house them outside London. If they want to be near family and friends then they can move back when they can afford the rent themselves. Why should the tax payer support people who can't support themselves in ridiculously expensive areas of the country? No problem with putting a roof over peoples heads, but why should that roof be in Chiswick? Not always you can't. So we should support those who can't keep their legs shut when they can't afford to feed the mouths that keep popping out from between them? Hows about these "poor" families actually consider whether they can afford to feed the children they have, before actually having them. It may sound a bit harsh, but if all was going perfect then the husband would have put a provision in place to ensure his family were provided for if he did die, whether of an accident, illness or act of God. Again, poor planning on behalf of those having a family. I know that should I die tomorrow, my wife wont have to move, she will receive a nice tidy sum from an insurance policy and things will continue. In your example above, it may be harsh, but why are the tax payers expected to continue to fund the lifestyle of somoene who failed to plan for their own demise? This is exactly what the last government did. While the going was good, they spent money like it was going out of fashion. The worst happened and we have zero reserves, and zero backup plan. Perhaps Im the one who's in the wrong? Maybe I should cancel the insurance policy, p*ss the money up the wall on booze and just let the state look after my wife and child if I die. The disabled, infirm and elderly should be looked after, everyone else can have the stigma as far as Im concerned - if they don't like it then there is always the option of getting a frigging job? Why should being on benefits not have a stigma attached to it? I know this all to well. Whilst I wasn't brought up on a council estate, I also had parents that until later in life couldn't afford to get me and my brother the latest trainers etc. And yes, it did stick with me the rest of my life. It made me determined that my own children if I ever decided to have them (which I now have) would not be subject to the same. Allowing people to live just the same lives as everyone else who actually works for it while they are on benefits does zero to discourage this as a career path for future generations of wasters. Then they shouldnt be allowed to rack up credit. This is another one of those "its the bankers that caused this mess" arguments. How many people are vilifying the bankers while sat at home in houses with 100% mortgages, on sofas they are paying off over 7 years, watching the news about these nasty bankers on a TV they havent yet paid for? They only have a terrible credit history if they have taken out credit they cant afford to pay back. They put themselves in that position, yet everyone else is expected to help them out of it. How on earth are we to instill any kind of moral compass in anyone if there are no consequences in life for making stupid decisions. When will we ever get away from the "there is always someone else to blame" culture? Basic mathematics and english would be a start. I have a folder here with several dozen CV's in it that I have kept as a perfect example of just how this stupid system of having schools jump through hoops and turning out "record levels" of results year on year has just bred an entire generation of complete and utter morons. Ive seen people come from university or with A Levels that can't wite 365 pence in the form of pounds and pence. Stopping their benefits entirely may be a start. If I were convicted of stealing £100 worth of goods from a shop, I would be ordered to pay £100 compensation. Yet many convicted of stealing money from the benefits system are not ordered to pay it back, and are even allowed to go on claiming their "true" benefits. Seriously - wtf? If the punishments were harsh enough, then there would not need to be as much policing of it. If I commit fraud at work, Im out. Sacked. Do not get paid from that company any more. Ever. If somoene commiitts benefit fraud, why should they be given another penny from the benefits office until they have paid back what was stolen? Perhaps regulating the industry so money can only be lent to individuals who they KNOW can pay it back. Loan companies should be forced to check National Insurance numbers. That National insurance number should be linked to both HMRC and the benefits office. The loan company should then be advised of what that persons income is, and whether it is benefits related or not. i.e. people on benefits should be statute varred from taking out loans they cannot afford to pay back. I know this starts to fall very much toward legislating for idiots, but it seems this is often the only way we can deal with things in the UK. People are too stupid to work things out for themselves, so we put laws in place to prevent them from being hurt by their own stupid actions.
  11. No problem buddy - I just took a pay cut and elected no dividends till the end of this financial year now, so good luck to HMRC for the rest of this year, im on minimum wage now until April. They can shove it up their ring for the time being.
  12. And why shouldn't they? The rich can afford to insulate thier homes, so why shouldnt they pay more in taxes to insulate somebody elses too? Listening to the chat on Radio 2 while I was out and about at lunch discussing whether people think the rich should be taxed more to support others... Really starting to make my p*ss boil to be honest.
  13. Slightly OT but, whenever Ive been to the greyhound racing places for some social event or other they always seem to be doing charity collections for retired greyhounds. Im sorry, but when did "A dog is for life not just for Christmas" only apply to those who have dogs as pets and not those that use them for sport?
  14. I do wonder how the Scottish National Party intend to fund the health service in Scotland once they gain independence. The sums really do not add up there, but why let that get in the way of blind patriotism
  15. So then if a scrounger finds loopholes and claims £26k a year that's fair game too Tax loopholes get closed. Benefit caps get rejected. Tax loopholes are also legal. Pretending to have a bad back and be unable to walk whilst simultaneously enjoying your Harley Davidson and playing golf at the weekend is not.
  16. I wonder how many lords are private landlords renting properties to DSS tennants? Ive reported a benefit cheat on several occasions, no action ever taken.
  17. Im thinking of setting up a property company maiing myself and my wife directors, buying my house off myself, and charging myself rent. Then sacking myself and claiming housing benefit to pay my rent to the company I still own half the shares of while now being unemployed. Im sure its not legal, but probably complicated enough to give HMRC the run around for a year or so Ive also recent learned of some VERY clever tax avoidance schemes. One in particular is actually funny, as it uses HMRCs own legislation against them to result in a zero tax payable on dividends. All perfectly legal for now, and would give HMRC a big headache if they wanted to legislate against it, as it would mean reversing legislation that is currently used to try and prevent another avoidance measure. Im not undertaking any as I cant be bothered with the sword of damocles hanging over me for 5-7 years while HMRC decide what they can do about it. But if anyone is seriously interested drop me a pm and you can talk to your accountant about it.
  18. if they did, then it may encourage those children not to take the same actions when they ate old enough to become parents themselves. Whilever we continue to demonstrate that however stupid your decision to have 9 kids when you have no means of supporting them is society will pick up the tab, we will never rid a lare portion of our society of the benefits as a career choice mentality.
  19. It does seem rather pointless to have a vote every few years to put in place a democratically elected government to act on behalf of the people only to have their decisions rejected by a group of largely senile wholly unelected lords that lost touch with the real world many years ago.
  20. Im a firm believer that benefits should NEVER exceed the amount you can earn on minimum wage. Until that is the case we will never end the ability for some people to make benefits their career choice. The trouble is we now have generations that come to expect to live to the same standards as anyone else in society, regardless of whether they work for it or not. I can't claim a single penny. We will not be entitled to any child benefits or tax tax credits. If i found myself out of work tomorrow that would still be the case. Yet a family that has not decided whether or not they can afford children before popping them out like shelling peas will be given thousands in support. Yet if i were to look into any sort of tax avoidance schemes in order to give my income a little boost to cope with the cost of a child, I would be lambasted by these socialist utopian idealists that think I should be "paying what I owe", even if after the avoidance it still results in six figures going to hmrc. Were heading further and further down the road of forcing businesses and workers to think whether its all worth it. The vast majority of young workers will never be offered positions that pay circa £26k. as a first job. So when they see daisy and her two kids bringing home £20k with zero tax to pay having a jolly in the park on a Monday morning when everyone else is off fo work for their £15k a year. Where exactly is the motivation to work. Why not join daisy and let someone else fund the good life for them? And then people wonder why the high tax payers get extremely pi**ed off and either avoid tax where they can or just leave the country all together. Cap benefits at below minimum wage would be my suggestion. if somebody who works can't afford to live in that posh part of town, then why should someone who doesn't? Higher rate benefits should be given to the disabled and those who physically can't take care of themselves. The money saved from cutting the payments to the lazy can fund higher salaries for nurses/paramedics and others who serve society. If people who work find themselves on hard times they can have higher benefits based on what they paid into the system while at work. Hopefully that would encourage some to get a job or train in an area that makes a difference. It will also ease a massive amount of pressure on the public sector pay and pensions budget. Sadly it will never happen, as it will no doubt be against some human right to prevent some lazy no intention of ever working layout dosser from being able to afford his/her fags and playstation.
  21. Best wishes Mike - hope you had a good night
  22. And they will find out how exactly? The tactics that some insurers go to in an effort to knowingly screw people over is a joke. They can dress it up with all this "its the whiplash claims blah blah blah" nonsense all they like. A quick look at their accounts shows a considerably different picture. They are taking the p**s on policy prices and they know it.
  23. It may be a cynical short answer, but its pretty near the mark. My understanding is that any site which provides links to other sites which have illegal/copyright content can be asked to police such links, or they can be shut down. Now - imagine how this affects people like wikipedia, or indeed google. Every link they offer would need to be policed. As Wikipedia is advert free and run on donations and spare time, it could have disastrous concequences for them. Google would have to increase advertising revenue enourmously to police every link their spiders collect. Hows about facebook? Every link posted by every person on facebook in the world would need to be policed. We would need to police every link ever posted, and in every signature file etc. As per usual it is a law/act that has been concocted to fight internet piracy, by people who havent got a clue how it will actually work in practice.
  24. Everyone attending any meet was a stranger to others once. I doubt you will be the only first timers at Wales. Not everyone knows each other and its a great way to make some new friends knowing you already have something in common. The runs to Wales, Scotland and the other regional meets, shows and events are a great way to enjoy the zed. Im sure there will be people who attended for the first time last year that will have positive things to say Hope you can join us in May Im honoured to count many of the people that Ive met thanks to this club over the last 6 years amongst my closest friends.
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