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Everything posted by Chesterfield

  1. Sorry Gus, I should have asked before locking. If the situation changes on the OC we can re-visit this. Locking as per Gus's request.
  2. Yes I agree. Until we hear that the OC would reciprocate by allowing links to this site, I think we draw a line under this one...
  3. Hmm, this falls on Mothers Day, so again, I'll have to check with the boss. Val, your last post over on the Vectra site seems to have lost all the links... dont want them getting mad at you! LOL
  4. As Dorian states above this would require reciprocation from the OC. Are people allowed to post links to this site in the free areas of the OC? If this is allowed, then I see no reason why we cannot follow suit here.
  5. Anyone notice my signature pic has gone? Well, I forgot to copy the little blighter onto the webspace here - which means its been pulled from my isp webspace for the last month... Which, given that we are pushing 35,000 hits a week, has resulted in my ISP pulling the plug on my personal webspace. Ahh well, Ive promissed to be a good boy and fix it. Just thought you would like the laugh!
  6. Have just posted overe there Steve. Excellent. This really will make a great difference!
  7. Steve, count yourself lucky... Mine came without the roof for the same reason!
  8. Hi Jon, Welcome to the forum! All the forced induction talk is over my head I'm afraid. I dont really do modifications, unless its the simple engine dress up etc. Though the pub figures of 340+ hp do look enticing. Hope you enjoy the forum. Chris.
  9. Actually, it would be the second Chesterfield meet, if you count myself and Val meeting up today to discuss a few things. No photos I'm afraid, but the cars were both filthy so you didnt miss anything! LOL
  10. And now for the first Chesterfield meet....
  11. All, We have now launched the portal to 350z-uk.com. For all those who have bookmarked the forums (instead of the flash intorduction page) please update this to: Http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/portal.php We hope that this portal screen now offers a more informative introduction to the site. It gives a welcome overview, a foreword regarding our stance on open forums, and the latest announcement. It also shows the last ten active topics, and links to the active topics since your last visit, complete with your own personalised welcome box (top right). There are also links to partners and traders sites. Any feedback on this new portal is appreciated. Regards, The 350z-uk.com team.
  12. Good lord. Thats at the wheels too! at the flywheel it must be approaching bugatti veyron teritory! Getting the grip down on that must only be possible by wicthcraft.
  13. Great - see you guys tomorrow at 2. Ill get the kettle on.
  14. No problem, just thought I'd do a bit of tidying... Seems I got one wrong though! LOL
  15. I haven't got time to watch videos... way to busy making little tweaks to the forum I'll get me coat..
  16. Moved to off topic... Non Z related... tut tut...
  17. Moved to off topic... Non Z related... tut tut...
  18. Moved to off topic... Non Z related... tut tut...
  19. Hi guys... heres a full overview of how these quotas work... The default limit for the gallery is 1MB. The default limit for the attachments is 1MB. These are seperate entities - so your usage in the gallery does not affect your usage in attachments, and vice versa. We admins have the ability to place people into other "groups" These groups can then be assigned different quotas on the gallery. At the moment this is a manual process, though with some phpbb black magic, I am confident we should be able to automate this process based on post count. We are hoping to increase the gallery space and attachment space for users who reach 350 posts, however as this takes some time to acheive, we could also look at changing the quotas in line with other post count "ranks". Therefor there is the pottential to have an increase at 100, a further increase at 200 and again at the magic 350. At the moment as I say this is a manual process, if someone runs out of room in either the gallery or attachments, post in the help section or PM an admin, and we should be able to adjust your quota if necessary. Other options to try are reducing the resolution or size of images - i.e. there isnt any need for anyone to use 1600x1200 images in their gallery or attachments. 1mb does seem a little on the small side, so perhaps an increase to 1.5mb or 2mb for people over 100 posts could be looked at. It all depends on how many members we have, and how many use attachments. So we need to monitor this before any accross the board changes are made. At the moment we could afford to give people much more than 1mb, however if we make the change, and then run out of space in the future due to a large number of users wishing to use their quota, we would need to cut back, which could mean a headache for those who have used the full ammount (deleting of pics etc etc) Its on the "to do" list (which is rather long)
  20. No doubt the discussions will include this very issue.
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