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Everything posted by Chesterfield

  1. I also thought that the standard speakers were low resistance - 2 ohm I think, where as normal speakers are 4 or 8 ohm I believe? This means you are seriously restricted when doing a like for like swap. I think...
  2. And I thought it was only Rover who just churned out the same car over and over again with little tweaks... Rover 200 - Rover 25 - MG ZR... That is an elise with a roof, and other bits stuck on. Notice they still havent done anything about the crap ergonomics of the 10 inch wide sills you have to climb over... If people want their missus' flashing their knickers at everyone when they get in/out of this in the summer, its great - other than that, its one of the worst cars I have ever had the pleasure of getting into, and "trying" to get out of. /2p.
  3. They dont do it at my local Tesco's, I sent them an email saying that they were missing an opportunity.. In Chesterfield we have one station with Shell optimax about five miles out of the centre, one garage that does BP ultimate in the town centre, which is quite arkward to get in/out of. Then a couple more out of town BP stations. If our Tesco did 99 RON it would almost certainly be the most popular place for all performance cars in Chesterfield to fill up. As per usual from Tesco - no reply.
  4. yup, its a clarion manufactured unit. Bose speakers and subwoofer amp I think, rest is clarion.
  5. Sorry guys, I was hoping to make this, but Im in Vegas on this date now..
  6. Hi, My dealer is Gordon Lambs in Chesterfield - they seem to be quite helpful. I have only had my car about 5 months, and touch wood have not had cause to use them for any warranty work or anything yet, though the staff do seem very approachable.. You could always give them a ring before making a special journey over and give them the whole story - they may be able to help? Think of the positive mentions they will get on here if they help you out....
  7. Got my brother looking at it now too.. You bugger. I can feel myself being drawn in....
  8. Ive given up caring about residuals. They wont affect the "older" models as much as they would had it been a dramaticaly different car. I had this argument with myself for a couple of weeks - buy a second hand "old" model (5 months old) for about £4k less than the "new" model. Or wait for the New model and pay £4k more. I resolved it like this: If I keep it for 3 years, then I am sure the difference between mine and one a few months newer (06 model) in three years time will be less than the 4K difference now - so over the three years I will actually "lose" less on a second hand 05 than I will on a new 06 model. Thats probably a half truth as I will probably update the rear lights and some other bits and bobs to 06 spec in time. LOL
  9. Sorry - it had to be done....
  10. Cruise was indeed available on previous roadsters. The telephone/volume controls are however mising.
  11. What about the plate on the left hand side of the steering wheel, with the volume/phone buttons. For some reason they aren't fitted to the UK roadster. Long shot I know, but worth a try?
  12. I seriously need to stay away from that - I think I could lose way to much time. Though the idea of a 350z-uk colony sounds quite fun..... Nope, must stay away - to much work to be done!
  13. The DNS propagation could still take some time to complete, so not everyone will be back yet depending on what route their connections take. An email will be going out to all members..
  14. All, Please accept our sincere apologies for the outage experienced recently on 350z-uk.com. Below follows an overview of exactly what happened, and why this outage continued for such an extended period of time. We trust this answers any questions you may have regarding the outage and the steps taken to overcome this. As our site had been experiencing “page not displayedâ€
  15. We are getting there.. expect a full announcement shortly...
  16. Thats the post - not the product! I doubt he will be giving them away for free! LOL
  17. My car is my missus daily drive, so I will not be able to find out until after work when I get home ready for my weekend playing. If noone has responded by then, Ill have a look and take some piccys and show you how it all works...
  18. Hi welcome to the forum... Where abouts are you located? By the way, once you pick it up we will not expect you to be on the forum for a few days - as you are bound to be out enjoying it! We all did the same I'm sure!
  19. What parts have you bought? Or are they on a list like mine! LOL Hopefully you wll be getting your hands on a Z just in time for the summer! You'll be grinning from ear to ear!
  20. Apparently they will not be standard wheels in the UK, as that will detract from the uniqueness of the GT4. Shame NMGB didn't take that same attitude with the 06 Roadster - us 05 Roadster owners have had our cars less than 12 months and new model is out... Ahh well, I saved £4k off list, which is more than enough to cover the cost of swapping all the parts that are different between the 05 and 06, with the exception of the engine, which I think could be uprated with a plenum, exhaust and cats to the same or better performance level anyway. But will I do all the above - I doubt it. Probably the LED lights, and maybe the fronts one day, but at least they havent changed the car to much, and aren't callin it the MK2 either.. Thats one saving grace I suppose.
  21. I have mixed thoughts about trackers... If the vehicle is going to be completely written off, then yes, a tracker would speed up the process of locating the vehicle and getting your claim sorted, as you wont have to wait for it to be located by the police, or given up on after a few weeks. If however, the theives take the car and smash it or thrash it to a stage where it is damaged, but repairable - would you want it back? Or would you rather it not be found until you have had your total loss payout? If my car gets stolen, I dont want it back, as it will be marked as a stolen recovered, and god knows what may have happened to the engine if they have given it some real abuse... If it has a tracker, you stand more chance of getting it back and having to have it repaired and put back on the road. I've taken out a form of GAP insurace, whereby if my car is a total loss in the first four years, the difference between what the insurance company pays out and the price I paid for the car (the depreciation effectivley) is made up - so if it is stolen I deffinitley dont want it back, as Ill be able to afford a brand new one if it is a total loss. So swings and roundabouts really. Im not anywhere near as paranoid about the car being stolen as am about it being dented by some ignoramus and their door in a car park.
  22. Is this the event where people strap contraptions to themselves and try to fly off a cliff? Sounds like fun, but whos going to paper mache their car??
  23. Would yours fit the roadster Val? I know we talked about it last time - perhaps you could bring it to the first meet and I can try it for size? Only if you havent sold it by then. Off topic: Ill get a calendar sorted so we can start adding things.
  24. Already been posted - Apparently its a hoax... http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=626
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