You may have already noticed, but we are pleased to announce that an events calendar has now been added to the site.
You can access this calendar in two ways:
First by means of the calendar button at the very top of the main menu. (just underneath the logo). This will take you to a month per page viewof the calendar.
Secondly, you can click the smaller calendar button in the page header, (just above the "view posts since last visit" button) This will drop down a quick bar showing events for the current week. Another click of the button hides this bar.
We hope this will make it a little easier for our members to find out what's on, and when.
Members can even post their own events in the "meets, shows and events" area
When posting a new topic in that section of the forum, extra options will be available which will allow you to provide dates (and if required, times and durations) for your event. If these are completed, your topic will automatically appear in the calendar.
Lets see those meets....
The 350z-uk.com Team.