As you now have 10 posts, feel free to advertise it here now.
I would still advise that 15 posts will be required for "general" items.
We do understand that there certainly is some benefit for members in allowing the advertisment of cars or other items regardless of how much of a contribution that person has made to a site.
However, if you look at this from our point of view, we do not charge money for access to a single area of this site, nor do we expect members to pay anything toward the running or maintenence costs. We do not restrict membership of this site to a select group of individuals, such as owners or pevious owners etc..
Therefore the post limit before advertising is our only control over preventing our site being used by anyone and everyone who wants to advertise anything.
However, as stated , as it seems you are not a flying visitor, and have started to contribute, feel free to advertise your car now.
I am sure you will agree, whilst our status as a 100% open and free forum may be a huge benefit to owners and or motoring enthusiasts in general, it will always be open to abuse, so we do have to take some precautions over how our bandwidth or status is used.
I hope this hasn't caused too much of a problem for you.