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Everything posted by Chesterfield

  1. We had a good snoop round the ones on display at donnigton, on the Magnaflow roadster. The quality of the brackets is not the issue, it is the doors on the Z, that cause the "wobbly effect". They dont have an inner solid frame apparently, which means when they are suspended in the air like that, they can wobble from side to side quite easily, which puts stresses on the mountings that they shouldnt have to take. The doors on the Z are very long too, which adds to the effect. Unfortunately they do have to open quite wide as well as go upward, which negates the "practicality" pottential somewhat. If they went straight up, without having to come out very far at all, they would be quite practical. For now though, they just ook quite cool!
  2. Chesterfield

    Evo X

    I like that. Very nice. Of course the GTR would be my favourite though
  3. Then compromise between the dark and light, with a blue.. Look what you have started. LOL.
  4. Please see this post. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=148 To prevent this area becoming swamped with adverts from single post members, there is a minimum positive post level that must be attained before the advertisement of goods is allowed. Regards, Chris.
  5. From my limited experience, it seems that Blue is certainly one of the most popular colours, followed by gunmetal, then and blade(silver) or Kuro (black) The black certainly looks the part when polished up, though with any darker colour, its keeping it that way that poses the problem!
  6. I like the speed racing kit too! I dont want to nick all Vals ideas though - LOL. Just a fair few of them.
  7. Yep - its all in hand now, thanks for the heads up! Some great kit they have there by the looks of it too. Just edited your post to prevent junk mail or junk phone calls making their way to the kind chap from Magnaflow.
  8. Thats a little too far for myself, but I am sure others will be interested. Its a great idea - and a great area too! I would suggest any interested parties post up with any suggstions over timing, and as speedball is offering the venue, perhaps a date to suit could be decided on. Thanks for starting the ball rolling - heres looking forward to a great meet!
  9. Yes it has been discussed, and yes we are keen to follow up with any options you may be able to suggest. We do have some ideas and options in the pipeline, and as wehave only been running since January, we are still working on these, as there have been a million and one things to sort out. As said, if you have any suggestions, offers or advice, feel free to strike up a PM or email conversation with one of the admins or mods, and perhaps you can assist us in this. Many thanks for the suggestion, and any assistance offered would be greatly appreciated. Its the members that make this place great!
  10. Mines not flush fitting either - looks like its not quite curved to the right shape.. I think its fairly common. Dare I mention that in the right light it looks a different colour too... Just sit in it and drive it round the block, all those niggles dissappear!
  11. Im more of a looks fan, and without serious expense, im not going to gain that much performance. I just think that after looking at other Z's around, the roadster looks a bit "naked" or unfinished without some subtle trimmings.
  12. Whats peoples thoughts? Ive found this pic, but cant see it too clearly.. Anyone got any better pics of a roadster with this kit, or maybe some other roadster kits - dont want to change the bumpers though, just lips and skirts!
  13. I know. They are on the list. Think Ill start with the big stuff like bodykit though. Just cant find a kit that I think suits the roadster. Some sort of rear skirt is needed, but cant decide which.
  14. Please see this post. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=148 To prevent this area becoming swamped with adverts from single post members, there is a minimum positive post level that must be attained before the advertisement of goods is allowed. Regards, Chris.
  15. Thats a new one on me! Mind you, Ive been running the Tesco 99RON. Apparently sainsburys are about to launch 101RON. Dont know how much truth there is in this though.. Would be interested to see if there is any truth in the optimax/subaru story.
  16. I'm still in the "turn it off and listen to the exhaust instead" mode. Especially as I can have the roof down from time to time now! LOL. Hope that the email helps out!
  17. Im in the same boat. I reckon its been caused by the key when exiting the car. Ive not got round to adressing these yet, and cant think of anything yet.
  18. Found it! - do you want me to forward it to your email address listed or if you want, drop me a PM with the address you would like it sent to.
  19. But then again, they have no fixed abodes, so where do they send the court notices to? And where do they find them when there is a no show at court? And who pays the court and police expenses for work that will result in absolutley no costs recovered. Dont get me started on pikeys, My views on them will no doubt cause offence. Back to the topic though, its unlikely they were speed cameras, and probably the DVLA trying to get untaxed drivers. I wonder if they've got the Hummer from SVA imports yet? I saw that at Donnington on Saturday, and the licence had expired two weeks ago, DVLA shows it as "about to expire" Wouldnt fancy getting hit by an untaxed (therefore uninsured?) H2.
  20. A year or so ago I went under a bridge which had three tripod mounted cameras set up on it at a speed that would have seen me in trouble. Never heard a thing. These cameras are likely to have been set up to catch untaxed vehicles. Quite how they catch someone who has no fixed abode I dont know, but thats council and local authority spending for you..
  21. Nice hint! Ill wax the outside, and wd40/grease the insides too. Thanks for the heads up. Halfords on the way home for some chrome stuff, and that will be two mods underway.. LOL.
  22. Yes - you need to insist on a new one. Not a refurb model. I think I have an email at home somewhere from BOSE that admit to a fault being rectified on newer manufactured units - if I can find it Ill forward it to you - it may help in justifying a brand new unit and not simply a refurb.
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