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Everything posted by Chesterfield

  1. As before, depends on the road surface, the tyres and the ammount of power being applied at the time. What were the conditions at the time of this incident?
  2. Just playing devils advocate, but it depends on the conditions. The land rover will be running 4wd, and possibly have its winter tyres on. The zed may have harder compound summer tyres and is RWD. Both cars going round a cold wet roundabout at 40mph could see the zed spin out and the land rover stay planted.
  3. Even a blind squirrel will find the occasional nut.
  4. This was a walk round type exhibit where you could study the "statues" (for want of a better description). As Tracys dad had just had his knee replaced, it was interesting to see an exhibit of a body with a knee replacement and see exactly how it worked.
  5. Went to an exhibition in New York that was not this actual doctors work, but a copy cat style exhibition. It was actually very interesting and educational. SHowed the difference between smokers/non smokers lungs, drinkers/non drinkers livers etc. How tumors affect the body. How joint replacements are fitted and work within the body. Very inetersting stuff. If you can switch off to the fact that they are actual real human bodies, then it is a very educational and interesting type of exhibit imho.
  6. Can we draw a line now please, thanks.
  7. Would the lack of washer jets for xenon lights not be an mot fail now with the new regs?
  8. Miliband will be breathing a big sigh of relief. He was in a very tricky position. The strikes could very well put lives at risk and severely damage the fragile economy yet he would not have been able to condem them for fear of upsetting his party's largest financial backer. (and his own personal financial backer for his leadership campaign). The labour party are nothing more than Unites political wing.
  9. I wonder if the union has advised its members that they wont get paid at all while on strike? Its often a piece of information they conveniently miss when balloting for strike action. Having said that, I can imagine a unions "ballot" paper for strike action being totally unbiassed and fair and will probably read something like:
  10. There seems to be some differing opinions given the cars that attend. I suppose its all down to personal opinion. If you set the bar at cars that cost over £100k when new (or equivalent at the time they were made), then it would exclude the GT-R, which some consider to be very much a supercar. If you set the performance at 0-60 below 5 seconds, then it would exclude some of the older cars which were certainly referred to as supercars in their day.
  11. Yes, there were about 150 of us there alltogether I believe. Getting to poke around an F40 while its up on the ramps is very interesting. They are a very friendly and down to earth bunch at the dealership too. Far from the pompus suited salesmen people would imagine.
  12. Panic buying of fuel wont really raise that much more revenue - it just shifts it from one month to another. People aren't going to use more, they are just buying their normal usage up front. As the talks continue on Monday, the earliest they can strike will be the following bank holiday monday. The unions wont want to waste a bank holiday on strike, so the very earliest will be a week on Tuesday. The 10th April. So all those people who "panic" bought for the last couple of days, may be back in the queues for fuel before the strike is even here. If I run low and cant get any anywhere, then Ill just get the bike out for work. I need to lose a chunk of weight anyway.
  13. Fixed that for you Oops - fat fingers stike again
  14. No, its not true. They have 20bhp more. MY04 276bhp, then MY06 (and gt4) 286bhp, then the MY07 has 313bhp
  15. Quite why you quoted your own post twice I dont know, duplicate posts deleted.
  16. Exactly whats the point of panic buying now when they have to give seven days notice of any strike date? If you use a tank a week, its a complete waste of time panic buying before they set a date
  17. California, Continental GTC for soft top down motoring (as above still nippy), DBS Voltane, Masserati GT?
  18. It was a fun day out and raised money for a good cause at the same time
  19. Agree. They instead chose to keep on sometimes two or more stores in the same town. Chesterfield is hardly a large shopping destination, yet there were two stores 100 yard apart. In meadowhall wit their extornionate rates, they kept two stores open. This just doubled their rent/rates for the exact same customer base. Bonkers. I also found that the "gamers", went to Gamestation. They had more knowledgeable staff and seemed to take an interest in the products they were selling. They should have played to that and removed the more clinical feeling Game stores in favour of Gamestation.
  20. They are as follows: (unless overwritten by a specific one provided by the team) Z Newbie 0-14 Z Hopeful 15-99 Z Dedicated 100-349 Z Fanatic 350-999 Z Veteran 1000-4999 Z Legend 5000+
  21. Yep. We were discussing this the other day. Blockbuster has to be next. With the advent of streaming and services like lovefilm etc. They cant be long for this world.
  22. Its the costs at the sorting centres that could be reduced. Cant disagree with the logic of still requiring the same man and van for 10 letters or one, similar to the mail train from the north to the south etc. However costs of sorting staff, sorting machinery and mail deopt staff could be reduced imho. Its just that wouldnt play well with the unionists so, we have to wait for natural selection to take its toll and just not replace. However there is then the pensions that will require paying for too. Ill bet those companies that will come in to compete with Royal Mail wont have staff on final salary pensions and have the threats of strikes hanging over their heads whenever they even think about looking at staff costs to reduce expenditure.... The writing is on the wall unless there are very significant changes, but the unions choose not to read it...
  23. There are lots of places still using the postal service for documents. DVLA Solicitors Banks Any business requiring hard copy signed documents What I dont understand is that if the number of posted items has declined by 25%, then why havent royal mail been able to recuce costs massively too? Surely 25% less letters means there should be some significant saving in fuel, personnel and handling costs. Though of course the unions would scream blue murder if there were any suggestion of cutting back on staff costs in relation to the reduced level of business. Im sure the unions would still think it viable to have thousands of staff employed to play scrabble if there were zero letters to post. Dont think for a second that businesses (like those above) will be swallowing these costs. We will all be paying for them somewhere. Its nice to see that those on benefits will still be able to post their christmas cards for the same price as this year though. Clearly their friends and relatives are much more important than those of everyone else.
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