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Everything posted by Chesterfield

  1. Anyone else watching the Panorama program on BBC now? I really fear for the safety of any "non white" fans that visit. Most of Europe doesnt like us Brits anyway - be a non white Brit over there and by the looks of it Id rather play Russian Roulette What a very very sad state of affairs. The absolute denial of the situation by the heads of the police is disgraceful. For those that have not watched it, I suggest you do. And for any non white football fans on here that were intending to go, I would seriously, seriously reconsider. I thought when I heard sol cambels opinion on the radio today it was a bit of an over reaction. After watching this program I agree whole heartedly. How are we being subject to pathetic laws coming out of Brussels on weights and measures and how straight a cucumber has to be, while scenes like this exist in Europe is completely beyond me. An utter utter disgrace.
  2. Depends on year. M3/5/6 can all be had for that, as can some Merc AMG's Having been in "bored" mode myself recently, even though I have absolutely no time to drive any weekend car, there are a lot of cars out there that have depreciated a LOT and represent bargains at the moment. 650i was one I had pointed out to me, and they can be had for as little as £12k now, 6 years old with 60k on them.
  3. Even cheaper if you just stick it in a box and leave it a few years - and a hell of a lot less risky than investment markets at the moment. The right 355 will start making money now, if it hasnt been doing so for the last couple of years already. Sierra RS500's are another one thats been climbing from their lows a couple or so years ago too. There are certainly a few cars out there at the moment that could provide for free motoring and even profit over the next decade, Id class the M3 CSL as one.
  4. Just going through a "its summer and Im bored phase" Im enjoying walks in the park and going out for the day with Lewis though at the moment - went and did one of those funky hand and feet casting things today. I reckon Ill probably be into boys toys again in a few years when he can take part in the fun too Though I was eyeing up a Khan pimped Bentley GTC for the summer in baby blue That CSL is most certainly a car that should be in a collection. Give it 10 years and that willbe fetching 3 times its current price imho. Priced to sell I think too.
  5. Sorely tempted as it seems infinitely more interesting than premium bonds.
  6. Its not the amount of debt, but the ability to pay it back. This is where Greece has failed miserably. They collect next to no taxes, export next to bugger all, and haven't a hope in hell of paying it back in our lifetime. Its like The Eurozone had a great big BBQ party, most of the nations brought along burgers, steak, some stella and a couple of bottles of plonk. Greece however rocked up with a half full bottle of blue nun, and yet we still let them have an equal share of the party food and drink. Now its time to pay the supermarket bill, they find themselves in the sh*t and looking for the exit.
  7. Lots of people think Ferraris are driven by tossers, until they reach a stage in their life when they can have one themselves - then it doesnt seem such a bad idea afterall. Lamborghinis are driven by flash tw&ts, Porsches by yuppie c0cks, and Bentleys by upper class snobs. Its a very British thing to mock and namecall those who achieve. Im sure to the corsa/nova crew our 350/370z's are driven by wannabe flash buggers Truth is we like them for what they are, which are incredibly good value sports cars imho.
  8. This is really frustrating - Ive seen little "buttons" underneath cars other than TVR's, but I cant remember where... grrrrrrr....
  9. What happens when electric cars do become the norm? Once the issue with batteries and range etc are sorted, as they will be when technology advances. Has the government thought that far ahead? What of the CO2 bandings then? What of the C charge in London etc?
  10. Have just fixed a slight issue - it wasnt working, but is now. The guide posted by Colin above is the same one though just in case
  11. Ok then. Here's a question. Biscuit, are you trading via pm on this site? Yes or no? If so, is that not just a slap in the face to those traders who pay to use our site to trade? There have been several posts recently that lead me believe you are trading here but not doing so publicly. Which i think is unfair to others. I have actually asked one person if the product they purchased from you was via ebay or via pm on this site. They advised it was via pm here. So before you go off on a rant at various members of the team here I would consider the above.
  12. Hi all, thanks again for the fantastic support. As the forum has been unavailable for a couple of days we are extending the time you can purchase online until 8pm tomorrow. Anyone wanting to buy physical tickets at the event, please seek out James (shire 350z). Unless he seeks you out first
  13. Ive now developed a secret wave for the horsey folk that have taken to wearing hi vis jackets that are purposefuly made to look like POLICE.
  14. For those downloading the documents, if you look at the bottom of page2 on Document A, you will find links that will take you to full directions for each day, you can then print these out to get turn by turn directions if you desire. Or maybe also put the links in your smartphone, so if you do get stuck on the day, you have some way of navigating to where you need to be.
  15. From a command line on your desktop you could try: ipconfig /flushdns Then open your browser and try the site then. Also when at the homepage hold ctrl and press F5. That may help
  16. All, We should now be coming back online for many. We are still waiting for DNS to populate around some places, so there may be people that cannot acces the forum at the moment. These people can use 350z-uk.net for the time being, but may experience some errors if there are any direct links to 350z-uk.com made in posts etc. I have quite a bit of work on tonight to get ready for Wales, so do not have the tme to fully explain exactly what has happened - save to say the previous hosts forced our hand and the transfer of server was our only option. Please accept the teams apologies for the outage. If you do notice anything that is not working correctly, please can you raise a topic in the suggestions section of the forum, and we can pick up any niggles as soon as possible. Again, sorry for the outage, and we do look forward to now at least not having the worry of a broken site during the Wales weekend. Regards, Chris.
  17. Darren - as a REO moderator - you can still access the board while it is offline. (see small red notice in the top left) - for all standard users the site is offline as Im moving it to another host thanks to the mahoosive balls up by our hosts.
  18. All, Please note that as of today, we have a serious issue that has arrisen for the website. This issue stems from the earlier outage on the 7th & 8th of April. In short, the problems we suffered due to technical issues at the hosts, have also generated other errors on our server which the hosts refuse to accept as errors. Needless to say, we have made our position clear with the hosts regarding this error. We have also pointed out that the this specific issue they say is not an error is physically impossible given the hardware of our server. Unfortunately I may as well have spent my time talking to my kitchen door, and the hosts are adamant that this error we have suffered does not exist. The team have taken the decision not to cave into this. We will NOT use hard earned club funds to pay what we believe to be a false and incorrect invoice. Therefore it is likely that the forum will experience a period of downtime, most probably as early as this Thursday. The team will of course ensure we keep this to a minimum and bring the site back up as quickly as possible. We will not however be bullied into paying a false bill of thousands of pounds by the threat of removing our server. We trust you will understand. We would much rather spend our funds providing tickets, bbq's and other items for all our members than giving it to bullies to save a couple of days downtime. If you notice a slow response from our server during the next day or so, that will be us ensuring we have a backup in the event of an impending move. Thanks again for your patience.
  19. As Ive said many times Mark, there has been a hell of a lot of thought and work gone into your car, and it shows. Its a credit to you, and the fact you make it to as many shows as you do to show it off is also a credit to you. Looking forward to catching up in Wales and seeing the transformation from last time I saw the car.
  20. Just to advise, the team are still discussing these ideas and you can expect to see some action soon as a direct result of these discussions. They have been productive and hopefully mean we can improve the club/forum as a whole too
  21. Koenigsegg CC8S Lamborghini Aventador Ferrari 458 Italia Spider + Gallardo daily drive Porsche Carrera GT THREE Aston Martin DBS's Gumpert Apollo Gran Tourismo MC Stradale + Gallardo LP570 Superlegera SLS AMG + 911 (997) GT2 RS "standard" 2012 MY GT-R + F458 or Gallardo LP570 All available for £260k or thereabouts. Im fairly certain that given £260k to spend on a car, one of those combinations above would appeal more than a modified GT-R no matter if it is a one of a kind.
  22. It is very useful - and also avoids unnecessary confrontation if they see you park in a parent and child space, without a child. Came in handy at our Tesco local to work as the P&C spaces are not the closest ones to the store, so we were able to use them. At the main shop in Chesterfield, they are some of the closest to the shop (other than the disabled spaces) and they are always full, and mostly not used by people who could do wth them. We just park elsewhere that has room and hope there still is room when we get back.
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